Equality and Fairer Scotland Budget statement: easy read summary

The Easy-read version of the Equality and Fairer Scotland Budget Statement

Our decisions about tax and social security

Tax is money we pay to the Scottish Government when we:

  • buy some things
  • earn money

Taxes are collected and used to pay for the things our communities need.

Things like:

  • health care
  • roads
  • police
  • schools

The Scottish Government have looked carefully at the decisions they made about:

  • tax
  • social security

They have found out these things:

  • the way Scotland organises tax and social security is now better for people who have less money than for people who have more money
  • the way Scotland organises tax and social security is more helpful for people with less money than the way it is done in other parts of the UK
  • 6 out of every 10 households in Scotland will be better supported
  • 8 out of every 10 households in Scotland will not pay any more tax this year
  • 2 out of every 10 households will pay more tax this year

These are the households who are earning the most money.


Email: scottishbudget@gov.scot

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