Equality and Fairer Scotland Budget statement: easy read summary

The Easy-read version of the Equality and Fairer Scotland Budget Statement

What is in the Equality and Fairer Scotland Budget Statement for 2024 and 2025

The Budget Statement looks at how the budget will make life easier or harder for people in Scotland.

It takes a very close look at how the budget plans for fairness and equality.

There are many different parts to the Budget Statement.

Some of the parts are called case studies.

A case study is a very close look at 1 project or event, to see if it went well and what can be learned.

Our case studies look very closely at the money being given to these 8 things:

1. alcohol and drugs policy

2. dentist services

3. childcare and early learning

4. social security

5. equality, inclusion and human rights

Inclusion means making sure that everyone can join in and no one is left out.

Human rights are the basic rights and freedoms that belong to everyone.

6. Concessionary Fares – this means cheaper travel prices for some groups of people

7. Getting jobs

8. Scottish National Investment Bank


Email: scottishbudget@gov.scot

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