
Adults with incapacity reform: easy-read version of consultation

This is an easy read version of the consultation on Adults with Incapacity reform. The content of the consultation is presented in a shorter and more readable format.

4. Principles of the Adults with Incapacity Law

Adults with incapacity must have their thoughts and wishes taken into account as far as possible. This is one of their human rights.

We want to put a new principle in the law which says:
An adult can only have changes made to their lives if all practical help and support has been given to help them make a decision and they have still not made the decision.

This will mean an adult can only have a decision made for them if it is needed and if it is the best way to protect their rights, freedoms and interests.


Do you agree with this principle?


Please tell us why you think this in the box below.

Do you think any other principles are needed?


Please tell us why you think this in the box below.

Please tell us about these in the box below.


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