International culture strategy: survey - easy read

We are seeking views to inform the development of a strategy to support the international aspirations and potential of Scotland’s culture sector.

What makes things difficult now?

It has been difficult for the culture sector to recover from the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Working internationally is more expensive now the UK is not in the European Union.

Developing international activity could be part of a longer plan about how cultural work recovers and develops.

We want to know what you think about online work and:

  • if it is a good thing
  • or it is difficult to do

This strategy will look at ways to deal with the challenges caused by leaving the European Union.

We must make sure that international activity happens in a way that protects the environment as much as possible.

We need to think about how we present the bad parts of our history, like our involvement in slavery.

We have recommendations from the national project Empire, Slavery and Scotland's Museums which can help us be fair and honest in how we show our history in museums.


14. How can international activity help with things that are difficult just now, like not being part of the European Union, Covid, and the cost of living crisis.

Type your answer here:

15. Has the UK leaving the European Union made things difficult for your international activity?

  • Yes
  • No

16. If you answered 'yes' tell us how this strategy could make this better? Type your answer here:

17. Do you have:

  • new ways that you have started to work internationally?
  • ways that you would like to work internationally?
    • Yes, I work internationally in new ways
    • No, I do not work internationally but I would like to in the future
    • No, I do not want to work internationally

Type your answer here:

18. What are your views on how this strategy should consider the impact of international activities on climate change?

Type your answer here:

19. What do you think we can do to show the bad parts of our history in a fair and honest way?

Type your answer here:



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