International culture strategy: survey - easy read

We are seeking views to inform the development of a strategy to support the international aspirations and potential of Scotland’s culture sector.


We do not have much information about:

  • the types of people taking part in international cultural activity
  • when in their career creative people are working internationally

We will check what impact the strategy may have on:

  • people with protected characteristics
  • businesses
  • different areas and places
  • socio-economic status - your education, type of job and the amount of money you make

Impact assessments will check how the work in the strategy will affect people.

If you would like to be part of the impact assessment process, email:


22. Are there parts of international cultural activity that affect equalities groups differently?

Only give us information that is relevant to your work.

Think about both good and bad effects.

Effects on people with protected characteristics. Type your answer here:

Effects on socio-economic status. Type your answer here:

Effects on people who live on Scotland's islands. Type your answer here:

Effects on children and young people. Type your answer here:

23. If you think there are bad effects what could be done in the future to try and stop this from happening?

Type your answer here:

24. Is there anything else you want to tell us?

Type your answer here:

Thank you for filling in this survey.

Please email it to: before 26 April 2023.



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