Decarbonising heating - economic impact: report

This report considers the potential economic impacts arising from a shift towards low carbon heating technologies in Scotland, over the period to 2030.


1. The full set of detailed modelling outputs are available upon request

2. Installation and maintenance impacts are not assessed here because the requirements for different heating technologies are broadly similar. While there would therefore likely be some training required, it is not unreasonable to assume that the same portion of the workforce could ultimately provide maintenance for heat pumps that currently provides this service for conventional gas boilers.

3. Skill levels are as defined in the SOC2010 methodology, mapping 2-digit SOC codes to the four levels. See:

4. The NOMIS series used measures employees by industry, so excludes the self-employed.


6. Hydrogen blending was not taken into account in this study due to lack of data.

7. In practice, flats will have a greater choice of low carbon heating options, in particular district and communal heating. However due to the nature of the modelling approach, they are not represented here.

8. See (Pollitt, et al. 2020).

9. ishomogenous of degree 1.



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