Economic Impact of a Minimum Income Guarantee: Analysis of economic theory and policy evidence

Economic Impact of a Minimum Income Guarantee: Analysis of economic theory and policy evidence by WPI Economics on behalf of the independent Minimum Income Guarantee Expert Group.


1 The Minimum Income Standard is based on research undertaken by Loughborough University with members of the public to understand the items that the general public think need to be included in a minimum household budget. The results show what different households need in a weekly budget and how much they are required to earn to achieve this. See:

2 Poverty Strategy Commission, A New Framework for Tackling Poverty: The interim report of the Poverty Strategy Commission, September 2023. See:

3 Joseph Rowntree Foundation & The Trussell Trust, An Essentials Guarantee: Reforming Universal Credit to ensure we can all afford the essentials in hard times, February 2023. See:

4 Institute for Public Policy Research Scotland, Securing a Living Income in Scotland: Towards a Minimum Income Guarantee, March 2021. See:

5 Scottish Government, Minimum Income Guarantee Steering Group: remit, September 2021. See:

6 Scottish Government, Minimum Income Guarantee Expert Group Interim Report, March 2023. See:

7 We were unable to secure interviews for the France or Italy case study.

8 Poverty Strategy Commission, A New Framework for Tackling Poverty: The interim report of the Poverty Strategy Commission, September 2023. See:

9 Scottish Government, Poverty and Income Inequality in Scotland 2020-23, March 2024. See:

10 Institute for Public Policy Research Scotland, Securing a Living Income in Scotland: Towards a Minimum Income Guarantee, March 2021. See:

11 Scottish Government, Scottish Child Payment, November 2022. See:

12 Scottish Government, Carer’s Allowance Supplement, April 2022. See:

13 University of Bath Institute for Policy Research, Assessing the Case for a Universal Basic Income in the UK, September 2017. See:

14 Institute for Public Policy Research, Working Together: Towards a new employment service, September 2023. See:

15 Joseph Rowntree Foundation & The Trussell Trust, An Essentials Guarantee: Reforming Universal Credit to ensure we can all afford the essentials in hard times, February 2023. See:

16 Scottish Government, Analysis of Labour Market Outcomes of Scotland’s Minority Ethnic Population, December 2022. See:

17 WPI Economics, Disabled people’s extra burden of essentials, February 2024. See:

18 UK Government, Income-related benefits: estimates of take-up: financial year ending 2022, January 2024. See:

19 University of Bath Institute for Policy Research, Assessing the Case for a Universal Basic Income in the UK, September 2017. See:

20 International Monetary Fund, Guaranteed Minimum Income Schemes in Europe: Landscape and Design, July 2021. See:

21 European Parliament, Strengthening minimum income protection in the EU, March 2021. See:

22 Thomas Biegert, Welfare Benefits and Unemployment in Affluent Democracies: The Moderating Role of the Institutional Insider/Outsider Divide, American Sociological Review, October 2017. See:

23 Thomas Biegert, Welfare Benefits and Unemployment in Affluent Democracies: The Moderating Role of the Institutional Insider/Outsider Divide, American Sociological Review, October 2017. See:

24 New Economic Foundation, The National Living Income: Guaranteeing a decent minimum income for all, December 2022. See:

25 University of Bath Institute for Policy Research, Assessing the Case for a Universal Basic Income in the UK, September 2017. See:

26 UK Government, Understanding the impact of Universal Credit on the labour market, June 2018. See:

27 David Card et al., What Works? A Meta Analysis of Recent Active Labor Market Program Evaluations, Journal of the European Economic Association, June 2018. See:

28 OECD, Basic Income as a Policy Option: Technical Background Note Illustrating Costs and Distributional Implications for Selected Countries, May 2017. See:

29 Fraser of Allander Institute, Modelling the Economic Impact of a Citizen’s Basic Income in Scotland, May 2020. See:

30 International Monetary Fund, Guaranteed Minimum Income Schemes in Europe: Landscape and Design, July 2021. See:

31 Cambridge Trust for New Thinking in Economics & Cambridge Econometrics, Macroeconomic implications of a basic income, August 2022. See:

32 OECD, Basic Income as a Policy Option: Technical Background Note Illustrating Costs and Distributional Implications for Selected Countries, May 2017. See:

33 Fraser of Allander Institute, Modelling the Economic Impact of a Citizen’s Basic Income in Scotland, May 2020. See:

34 International Monetary Fund, Guaranteed Minimum Income Schemes in Europe: Landscape and Design, July 2021. See:

35 Fraser of Allander Institute, Modelling the Economic Impact of a Citizen’s Basic Income in Scotland, May 2020. See:

36 Cambridge Trust for New Thinking in Economics & Cambridge Econometrics, Macroeconomic implications of a basic income, August 2022. See:

37 Fraser of Allander Institute, Evaluation of the Commission on Social Security's Plan: Cost, funding, and wider impact, April 2023. See:

38 Matthew Johnson et al., Designing trials of Universal Basic Income for health impact: identifying interdisciplinary questions to address, Journal of Public Health, June 2022. See:

39 The Royal Society of Edinburgh, Just Transition Commission Interim Report, June 2020. See:

40 University of Bath Institute for Policy Research, Assessing the Case for a Universal Basic Income in the UK, September 2017. See:

41 International Labour Organisation, Just Transition Policy Brief, January 2023. See:

42 Fraser of Allander Institute, Understanding the impact of the transition to net zero on low paid jobs, September 2023. See:

43 Pablo Garcia-Garcia et al., Just energy transitions to low carbon economies: A review of the concept and its effects on labour and income, Energy Research & Social Science, December 2020. See:

44 Marcello Natili, Worlds of last-resort safety nets? A proposed typology of minimum income schemes in Europe, Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy, March 2020. See:

45 It is important to note that we have not explored any restrictive Minimum Income Guarantee-type schemes as the design, implementation and aim of these schemes does not align with the Scottish Government’s policy goals for a Minimum Income Guarantee.

46 OECD, Boosting Social Inclusion in Spain, September 2023. See:

47 ISEAK, Alleviating Poverty in Spain: Evidences from the Minimum Income Scheme, May 2021. See:

48 Institute for Social and Economic Research, The New “Minimum Vital Income” in Spain: Distributional and Poverty Effects in the Presence and Absence of Regional Minimum Income Schemes, December 2020. See:

49 LSE Department of Social Policy, Perceptions Matter: Quasi-Experimental Evidence on the Effects of Spain’s New Minimum Income on Households’ Financial Wellbeing, July 2023. See:

50 LSE Department of Social Policy, Perceptions Matter: Quasi-Experimental Evidence on the Effects of Spain’s New Minimum Income on Households’ Financial Wellbeing, July 2023. See:

51 OECD, Boosting Social Inclusion in Spain, September 2023. See:

52 LSE Department of Social Policy, Perceptions Matter: Quasi-Experimental Evidence on the Effects of Spain’s New Minimum Income on Households’ Financial Wellbeing, July 2023. See:

53 OECD, Boosting Social Inclusion in Spain, September 2023. See:

54 ISEAK, Alleviating Poverty in Spain: Evidences from the Minimum Income Scheme, May 2021. See:

55 Institute for Social and Economic Research, The New “Minimum Vital Income” in Spain: Distributional and Poverty Effects in the Presence and Absence of Regional Minimum Income Schemes, December 2020. See:

56 ISEAK, Alleviating Poverty in Spain: Evidences from the Minimum Income Scheme, May 2021. See:

57 Femke Roosma, A Struggle for Framing and Interpretation: The Impact of the ‘Basic Income Experiments’ on Social Policy Reform in the Netherlands, European Journal of Social Security, September 2022. See:

58 United Nations University, Limits of Freedom? Experiences with the Participation Act, September 2016. See:

59 The Netherlands Institute for Social Research, Tax and Benefit Policies to Reduce Poverty in the Netherlands: A Microsimulation Analysis, April 2023. See:

60 The Netherlands Institute for Social Research, Tax and Benefit Policies to Reduce Poverty in the Netherlands: A Microsimulation Analysis, April 2023. See:

61 The Netherlands Institute for Social Research, Tax and Benefit Policies to Reduce Poverty in the Netherlands: A Microsimulation Analysis, April 2023. See:

62 European Commission, Dutch Participation Act not (yet) a success, January 2020. See:,social%20assistance%20benefit%20claimants%2C%20as

63 ETHOS Project, Coping with the Participation Act: Welfare experiences in the Netherlands, August 2019. See:

64 European Commission, The 2022 Minimum Income Report – Volume II: Country Profiles, October 2022. See:

65 European Commission, Dutch Participation Act not (yet) a success, January 2020. See:,social%20assistance%20benefit%20claimants%2C%20as

66 Femke Roosma, A Struggle for Framing and Interpretation: The Impact of the ‘Basic Income Experiments’ on Social Policy Reform in the Netherlands, European Journal of Social Security, September 2022. See:

67 Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis, Evaluation experiments for social assistance benefit recipients: Effects on the job finding rate, May 2020. See:

68 Giovanni Tonutti, Disaggregation of poverty indicators by small area methods for assessing the targeting of the “Reddito di Cittadinanza” national policy in Italy, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, August 2022. See:

69 Institute for International Political Economy Berlin, The Italian “Reddito di Cittadinanza” one year later, July 2020. See:

70 Maria Luisa Maitino et al., Employment effects of Reddito di cittadinanza, before and during the Covid-19 pandemic, IRPET Working Paper, May 2022. See:

71 Maria Luisa Maitino et al., Employment effects of Reddito di cittadinanza, before and during the Covid-19 pandemic, IRPET Working Paper, May 2022. See:

72 Banca D’Italia, Anti-poverty measures in Italy: a microsimulation analysis, September 2020. See:

73 Ministry of Labour and Social Policies, Citizen's income, a crucial tool to help families in difficulty, November 2020. See:

74 Ministry of Labour and Social Policies, Citizen's income, a crucial tool to help families in difficulty, November 2020. See:

75 Elena Anna Grasso, The Italian reddito di cittadinanza in search of identity: a comparative perspective, Revue de droit comparé du travail et de la sécurité sociale, 2020. See:

76 Ministry of Labour and Social Policies, Citizen's income, a crucial tool to help families in difficulty, November 2020. See:

77 Giovanni Tonutti, Disaggregation of poverty indicators by small area methods for assessing the targeting of the “Reddito di Cittadinanza” national policy in Italy, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, August 2022. See:

78 Institute for International Political Economy Berlin, The Italian “Reddito di Cittadinanza” one year later, July 2020. See:

79 Giovanni Tonutti, Disaggregation of poverty indicators by small area methods for assessing the targeting of the “Reddito di Cittadinanza” national policy in Italy, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, August 2022. See:

80 Banca D’Italia, Anti-poverty measures in Italy: a microsimulation analysis, September 2020. See:

81 Giovanni Tonutti, Disaggregation of poverty indicators by small area methods for assessing the targeting of the “Reddito di Cittadinanza” national policy in Italy, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, August 2022. See:

82 Lombardia Sociale, From REI to RdC: experiences of integration between social and work, February 2019. See:

83 Maria Luisa Maitino et al., Employment effects of Reddito di cittadinanza, before and during the Covid-19 pandemic, IRPET Working Paper, May 2022. See:

84 The Conversation France, The French RSA benefit: lack of access a far greater problem than fraud, July 2022. See:

85 Court of Audit, The Active Solidarity Income: Evaluation of a Public Policy, January 2022. See:

86 The European Anti-Poverty Network, National Poverty Report 2021 – France, October 2021. See:

87 Court of Audit, The Active Solidarity Income: Evaluation of a Public Policy, January 2022. See:

88 Institute for Labor Studies and Public Policies, The French “Earned Income Supplement” (RSA)

and back-to-work incentives, January 2011. See:

89 It is important to note that although the marginal tax rate of 38% is constant until the point that earnings exceed the RSA exit point, some recipients will still experience a drop in income prior to this as a result of losing eligibility or receiving a reduced rate from other conditional benefits.

90 Luciano Canova et al., An ex ante evaluation of the Revenu de Solidarité Active by micro–macro simulation techniques, Journal of European Labour Studies, June 2015. See:

91 The French RSA and back to work incentives show that the marginal tax rate of 38% is close to the maximum possible with respect to producing a monetary incentive for returning to work.

92 The French government have indicated that the PPE will soon be subsumed within the RMI, which will then provide three separate rates, namely, basic, part-time working, and full-time working.

93 Comitè National de Evaluation du RSA, Rapport final, December 2011. See:

94 Court of Audit, The Active Solidarity Income: Evaluation of a Public Policy, January 2022. See:

95 Court of Audit, The Active Solidarity Income: Evaluation of a Public Policy, January 2022. See:

96 Luciano Canova et al., An ex ante evaluation of the Revenu de Solidarité Active by micro–macro simulation techniques, Journal of European Labour Studies, June 2015. See:

97 Isabelle Niedhammer et al., Exploring the employment determinants of job insecurity in the French working population: Evidence from national survey data, PloS ONE, June 2023. See:

98 Court of Audit, The Active Solidarity Income: Evaluation of a Public Policy, January 2022. See:

99 Court of Audit, The Active Solidarity Income: Evaluation of a Public Policy, January 2022. See:

100 Belgium Research Action through Interdisciplinary Networks, Reducing poverty through improving take up of social policies, December 2022. See:

101 Federal Public Service – Social Security, The evolution of the social situation and social protection in Belgium 2021, December 2022. See:

102 Federal Public Service – Social Security, The evolution of the social situation and social protection in Belgium 2021, December 2022. See:

103 European Commission, Peer Review on “Social Activation and Participation”, February 2021. See:

104 EUROMOD Working Paper Series, Financial work incentives and the long-term unemployed: the case of Belgium, January 2018. See:


106 European Commission, Peer Review on “Social Activation and Participation”, February 2021. See:

107 European Commission, The 2022 Minimum Income Report – Volume II: Country Profiles, October 2022. See:

108 Federal Public Service – Social Security, The non-take-up of social assistance in Belgium: policy proposals, June 2022. See:

109 Belgian Presidency: Council of the European Union, Minimum income: EU member states consider the future of European social protection, January 2024. See:,for%20all%20those%20in%20need.

110 European Commission, The 2022 Minimum Income Report – Volume II: Country Profiles, October 2022. See:

111 Ake Bergmark and Hugo Stranz, A safety net for all? – Vignette-based assessments of Swedish social assistance over three decades, Journal of Social Policy, March 2023. See:

112 European Commission, European Social Policy Network (ESPN) Thematic Report on minimum income schemes: Sweden, October 2015. See:

113 European Commission, European Social Policy Network (ESPN) Thematic Report on integrated support for the long-term unemployed: Sweden, May 2015. See:,(~%20%E2%82%AC34)%20per%20day.

114 European Commission & OECD, Note on options to strengthen employment services and activation programmes in Sweden, January 2022. See:

115 European Commission, The 2022 Minimum Income Report – Volume II: Country Profiles, October 2022. See:

116 OECD, The role of Public Employment Services and active labour market policies during the COVID-19 crisis and recovery, March 2023. See:

117 European Commission, The 2022 Minimum Income Report – Volume II: Country Profiles, October 2022. See:

118 Jussi Tervola et al., Smaller net or just fewer to catch? Disentangling the causes for the varying sizes of minimum income scheme, International Journal of Social Welfare, August 2022. See:

119 Ake Bergmark and Hugo Stranz, A safety net for all? – Vignette-based assessments of Swedish social assistance over three decades, Journal of Social Policy, March 2023. See:

120 Ake Bergmark and Hugo Stranz, A safety net for all? – Vignette-based assessments of Swedish social assistance over three decades, Journal of Social Policy, March 2023. See:

121 Jussi Tervola et al., Smaller net or just fewer to catch? Disentangling the causes for the varying sizes of minimum income scheme, International Journal of Social Welfare, August 2022. See:

122 Maltese Government, National Strategic Policy for poverty reduction & social inclusion: Implementation & Evaluation Report 2014 – 2016, November 2017. See:

123 European Commission, Peer Review on “Ensuring adequate assistance for those most in need (Minimum Income)” – Malta, February 2019. See:

124 Bank of Malta, The characteristics associated with the short and long-term unemployed in

the Maltese labour market, August 2021. See:

125 Bank of Malta, The Impact Of Malta's Tapering Of Benefits Scheme On Employment, December 2023. See:

126 European Commission, Peer Review on “Ensuring adequate assistance for those most in need (Minimum Income)” – Malta, February 2019. See:

127 European Commission, Peer Review on “Ensuring adequate assistance for those most in need (Minimum Income)” – Malta, February 2019. See:

128 Seed Consultancy, National study on the adequacy of Unemployment Benefits in Malta, November 2022. See:

129 Bank of Malta, The Impact Of Malta's Tapering Of Benefits Scheme On Employment, December 2023. See:

130 European Commission, Peer Review on “Ensuring adequate assistance for those most in need (Minimum Income)” – Malta, February 2019. See:

131 Institute for Structural Research, The “Family 500+” child allowance and female labour supply in Poland, March 2018. See:

132 Institute for Structural Research, The “Family 500+” child allowance and female labour supply in Poland, March 2018. See:

133 Luxembourg Income Study, Inequality, poverty and child benefits: Evidence from a natural experiment, July 2020. See:

134 Luxembourg Income Study, Inequality, poverty and child benefits: Evidence from a natural experiment, July 2020. See:

135 Institute for Structural Research, The “Family 500+” child allowance and female labour supply in Poland, March 2018. See:

136 Civic Development Forum, "Family 500+" - program evaluation and proposed changes, May 2019. See:

137 Institute for Structural Research, The “Family 500+” Child Allowance and female labour supply in Poland, March 2018. See:

138 Centre for Economic Analysis, From Partial to Full Universality: The Family 500+ Programme in Poland and its Labor Supply Implications, October 2019. See:


140 Centre for Economic Analysis, The impact of the “Family 500+” programme on household incomes, poverty and inequality, 2017. See:

141 Centre for Economic Analysis, The impact of the “Family 500+” programme on household incomes, poverty and inequality, 2017. See:

142 Scottish Government, Scottish economic insights, November 2023. See:



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