
Economic impacts of wind farms on Scottish tourism: report

Report commissioned by Glasgow Caledonian University to assess whether government priorities for wind farms in Scotland are likely to have an economic impact on Scottish tourism.

Study Team, Contact and Acknowledgements

The study team was:

Dr Geoff Riddington, Caledonian Business School, Glasgow Caledonian University and GridEconomics Ltd
Tony Harrison, Moffat Centre for Tourism Development, Glasgow Caledonian University
David McArthur, Caledonian Business School, Glasgow Caledonian University
Prof. Hervey Gibson, Cogent Strategies International Ltd
Kevin Millar, Cogent Strategies International Ltd
Initial Queries about the study should be addressed to
The Tourism Policy Unit, Scottish Government

The team wishes to acknowledge the assistance of the project Steering Group which consisted of members from the Tourism, Renewables and Planning Policy Units of the Scottish Government, staff from VisitScotland and Scottish Natural Heritage, and Scottish Government Economists. It particularly wishes to thank the project manager John-Glyn Mclaren for his good natured, supportive and extensive help.

The Raster, DTM and Strategi Vector Ordnance Survey Maps used in this project are Crown Copyright and were provided via the JISC/ ESRC funded Edina OS Digimap Service at the University of Edinburgh. Maps of authority boundaries and PostCode to Geocoding (grid references) conversion tables were provided via the Edina UKBorders service. Initial copyright is held by the Crown and the Post Office.

Finally the team would like to thank Visit Scotland for the information on the size and location of accommodation in the case study areas.


Email: Central Enquiries Unit

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