Economic inactivity in Scotland: supporting those with longer-term health conditions and disabilities to remain economically active

This report examines the evidence on supporting those with longer-term conditions and disabilities to remain in work. Its focus is on the upstream prevention of economic inactivity to ensure the protective factors for health that good work provides.

A note on terminology

There is debate on which terms are most appropriate to describe the range of circumstances that come under ‘economic inactivity’ and the potential for creating stigma or suggesting that every individual should be in work when this may not be possible. In this review the terms ‘economic inactivity’ and ‘economically inactive’ are used as these are the standard terms for monitoring and measuring those in the population who are neither employed nor looking for work. However, the complex range of reasons for this is recognised and it is not the intention of this review to suggest everyone currently economically inactive can or should be in work.



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