Economic inactivity of young people aged 16-24: Definition, reasons and potential future focus

Report brings together evidence on inactivity and build knowledge on the reasons for inactivity amongst young people aged 16 to 24. In this report, we used published ONS data and have summarised the main results from existing published qualitative research for Scotland and the UK in the last 5 years

Scottish Government publications

Labour Market Statistics for 16 to 24 year olds: Scotland and the United Kingdom

Latest release: 11/07/2023 (covering April 2022 to March 2023)

Next release: September 2023

Age coverage: 16-24 years old

Focus/ aim: Summary of statistics from the Annual Population Survey

Scotland's Labour Market: People, Places and Regions – Protected Characteristics

Latest release: 21/09/2022

Next release: To be confirmed (TBC)

Age coverage: 16 and over with breakdowns for 16-24 years old

Focus/ aim: Summary publication of results from the ONS Annual Population Survey January to December 2021, presenting analysis on the labour market by protected characteristics including age, sex, disability and ethnicity.

Labour Market Statistics for Scotland by Ethnicity

Latest release: 14/12/2022 (data relates to January to December 2021)

Next release: TBC

Age coverage: 16 and over with breakdowns of 16 to 24 years old

Focus/ aim: Information about ethnicity in the labour market from the Annual Population Survey.

Public Sector Employment in Scotland Statistics for 4th Quarter 2022

Latest release: 14/03/2023 (snapshot of employment as at December 2022)

Next release: June 2024

Age coverage: 16-24

Focus/ aim: Statistics based on administrative records and surveys of individual public sector bodies carried out by the Scottish Government and the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

Young person’s local authority labour market dashboard

Latest release: 13/12/2021

Next release: TBC

Age coverage: 16-24

Focus/ aim: Combination of various data sources - Annual Population Survey 3-Year Pooled Data (ONS), Annual Population Survey Annual Data (ONS), Claimant Count (ONS and DWP), Participation Measure (SDS), Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ONS).

Caveats: Many young people are students but are also looking for work. As a result, young person's labour market data can be volatile over short time periods, and can display a wider degree of variation than other core economic and labour market indicators. Annual Population Survey data pooled across 3-year periods has been used to reduce this volatility however small sample size means that in many cases data is still not reliable for practical purposes.

Disabled people in the labour market in Scotland

Latest release: 31/05/2023

Next release: TBC

Age coverage: 16 and over with breakdown by age bands.

Focus/ aim: Key statistics relating to the economic status of disabled people in the labour market from the Annual Population Survey showing comparisons between disabled and non-disabled people.



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