
Economic inactivity of young people aged 16-24: Definition, reasons and potential future focus

Report brings together evidence on inactivity and build knowledge on the reasons for inactivity amongst young people aged 16 to 24. In this report, we used published ONS data and have summarised the main results from existing published qualitative research for Scotland and the UK in the last 5 years

Literature sources

Danner, M., Guégnard, C., & Maguire, S. (2021). Understanding economic inactivity and NEET status among young women in the UK and France. Journal of Education and Work, 34(7-8), 839-854.

Glasgow Centre for Population Health (2022). Young people’s transitions into adulthood: qualitative research with young people in Glasgow. United Kingdom.

Holmes, C., Murphy. E., & Mayhew, K. (2021) What accounts for changes in the chances of being NEET in the UK? Journal of Education and Work, 34(4), 389-413.

Maguire, S. (2018). Who cares? Exploring economic inactivity among young women in the NEET group across England. Journal of Education and Work, 31(7-8), 660-675.

McPherson, C. (2021). Between the Rhetoric of Employability and the Reality of Youth (Under) Employment: NEET Policy Rhetoric in the UK and Scotland. Journal of Applied Youth Studies, 4, 135–152.

Murphy, L. (2022). Not working: Exploring changing trends in youth worklessness in the UK, from the 1990s to the Covid-19 pandemic. Resolution Foundation, United Kingdom.

Murphy, L. (2023). Left behind: Exploring the prevalence of youth worklessness due to ill health in different parts of the UK. Resolution Foundation, June 2023

Scottish Government (2015). Consequences, risk factors, and geography of young people not in education, employment or training (NEET). Edinburgh, Scottish Government

Scottish Government (2022). Using intersectionality to understand structural inequality in Scotland: Evidence synthesis. Edinburgh, Scottish Government.

SDS Evaluation and Research Team (2023). Young People’s Career Ambitions (YPCA) 2022/23: Key Findings Briefing Paper.

Straw, S., Morrison-Coulthard, L. and Bradley, E. (2023). Barriers to young people accessing intermediate and advanced apprenticeships: perspectives from apprenticeship providers. Slough: NFER

The Prince’s Trust and Learning and Work Institute (2022). The Power of Potential: Supporting the future of 'NEET' young people in the labour market. United Kingdom.



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