Fishing vessels - economic link: island communities impact assessment (ICIA)

An island communities impact assessment (ICIA) of changes to Scottish economic link licence conditions contained in Scottish fishing vessels.

Annex C – Allocation of gifted quota and final uptake for 10mu non-sector vessels in period 2015-2019

The table below sets out, for each stock for which the Scottish Government received gifted quota:

Table 5: Allocation of gifted quota and final uptake for 10mu non-sector vessels in period 2015-2019
NS Nephrops NS Cod Anglerfish (NS Monkfish) NS Skates and Rays North Sea Ling
Initial Allocation Gifted Quota Final Landings Initial Allocation Gifted Quota Final Landings Initial Allocation Gifted Quota Final Landings Initial Allocation Gifted Quota Final Landings Initial Allocation Gifted Quota Final Landings
2019 502.97 30.00 513.97 98.47 37.00 172.27 2.31 27.00 32.31 1.50 13.00 11.50 1.27 8.50 6.77
2018 484.63 73.10 521.13 115.99 34.80 186.79 1.42 0.00 15.42 1.50 12.00 13.50 1.11 9.50 8.11
2017 427.08 82.00 644.28 102.40 6.00 179.40 1.01 6.00 7.01 1.20 6.00 10.10 1.10 10.00 6.60
2016 314.25 121.00 615.35 94.84 5.00 159.64 1.00 0.00 5.00 1.17 2.00 6.17 0.83 2.00 9.43
2015 384.61 115.00 440.71 88.98 0.00 115.10 1.10 0.00 3.60 1.21 0.00 2.81 0.72 0.00 2.82
421.10 2735.44 82.80 813.20 33.00 63.33 33.00 44.08 30.00 33.72
NS Haddock NS Whiting NS Hake WS Pollack
Initial Allocation Gifted Quota Final Landings Initial Allocation Gifted Quota Final Landings Initial Allocation Gifted Quota Final Landings Initial Allocation Gifted Quota Final Landings
2019 6.44 20.00 14.14 0.42 5.50 20.12 0.00 15.00 5.00 4.81 7.00 4.81
2018 6.18 0.00 21.18 0.51 0.00 3.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.82 0.00 4.82
2017 6.94 4.00 18.94 0.30 0.00 6.30 0.00 0.00 0.10 4.80 0.00 4.80
2016 5.97 0.00 11.47 0.28 5.00 1.78 0.00 0.00 1.40 4.85 0.00 4.85
2015 5.93 0.00 5.93 0.29 0.00 2.09 0.00 0.00 0.10 4.85 0.00 4.85
24.00 71.66 10.50 33.80 15.00 6.60 7.00 24.11

Source: Marine Analytical Unit data: May 2022

Source: Marine Analytical Unit data

Initial Allocation - that is the tonnage quota share received by the Scottish 10mu non-sector following allocation of the UK's share of fishing quota opportunities.

Gifted Quota - The tonnage transferred to the Scottish Government (for 10mu non-sector vessels) from vessels in order to comply with the economic link licence condition.

Final Landings - 10mu non-sector vessels landed of each species in the calendar year.

To note: final landings may exceed sum of the initial allocation and gifted quota. This is because the Scottish Government acting on behalf of the non-sector 10 mu group is permitted to complete quota swaps to add or subtract to the group’s total holding.



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