Economic Report on Scottish Agriculture 2011 Edition

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Section B: financial results by type of farm

Farm Accounts Survey


Headline results on Farm Business Income ( FBI) from the 2009/10 Farm Accounts Survey were published in a Statistical Publication on 27th January 2011. This publication contains FBI results for 8 different farm types for the past 2 years, along with background information on the Farm Accounts Survey and is available at:

Section B of the Economic Report on Scottish Agriculture compliments the publication above by providing detailed analysis of the Farm Accounts Survey, including:

  • A detailed breakdown of FBI results into component parts of outputs, inputs, subsidies and diversified income.
  • Analysis of farm income distributions.
  • Analysis of diversified income and off-farm income.
  • Results for other related farm income measures and balance sheet information on farm business assets and liabilities.
  • Analysis by farm type, farm size and farm tenure.

The content of Section B was developed substantially in last year's publication to reflect the outcome of a wider Publication Review of Agricultural Statistics. Details of this Publication Review are available on the Scotstat website and were discussed by the Agriculture Committee of stakeholders at the November 2010 meeting:

Section B has been developed further this year by:

  • Including results on Farm Corporate Income and Farm Investment Income, delivering on a commitment made in the 2006 consultation on Farm Income Measures 1.
  • Including historic trends on Net Farm Income by farm type.

These recent developments in Section B have removed the need for the separate Farm Business Incomes in Scotland ( FBIS) 2 publication, which was last produced in 2010 and which has now ceased.

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