
Economic Report on Scottish Agriculture 2015

Economic Report on Scottish Agriculture 2015 presenting an overall picture of Scottish agriculture using data from the various agricultural surveys that RESAS manage.

Table C11 Number of holdings with dairy cows(1) and number of dairy cows by region and size group, June 2014

size group
North West North East South East South West Scotland
Holdings Number Holdings Number Holdings Number Holdings Number Holdings Number
1-4 129 169 113 155 108 141 363 580 713 1,045
5-19 7 59 7 86 14 103 81 771 109 1,019
20-49 5 202 5 194 7 223 51 1,759 68 2,378
50-74 c c c c 10 617 95 5,873 115 7,137
75-99 c c c c 13 1,116 112 9,775 132 11,497
100-149 8 963 10 1,182 21 2,547 248 30,841 287 35,533
150 & over 9 2,454 21 5,430 29 8,451 357 94,772 416 111,107
Total 166 4,381 165 7,766 202 13,198 1,307 144,371 1,840 169,716

(1) Female dairy cattle aged 2 years old and over with offspring.

c data suppressed to prevent disclosure of individual holdings.


Email: Agricultural Statistics

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