
Economic Report on Scottish Agriculture, 2016

Presents an overall picture of Scottish agriculture using data from the various agricultural surveys that RESAS manage.

Table C18 Number of holdings with breeding fowls (1) and number of breeding fowls by region and size group, June 2015

Flock size group North West North East South East South West Scotland
Holdings Number Holdings Number Holdings Number Holdings Number Holdings Number
1-4 221 544 74 159 84 188 133 300 512 1,191
5-9 c c 19 128 c c 40 260 163 1,052
10-19 39 514 24 310 16 207 29 384 108 1,415
20-49 18 487 8 181 8 242 17 476 51 1,386
50-999 c c 6 330 c c c c 14 955
1,000-9,999 0 0 0 0 c c c c 11 87,164
10,000 & over 0 0 0 0 17 469,283 18 498,645 35 967,928
Total 356 2,103 131 1,108 160 529,515 247 528,365 894 1,061,091

(1) Females laying eggs to hatch layer and table chicks.

c data suppressed to prevent disclosure of individual holdings.


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