
Economic Report on Scottish Agriculture, 2016

Presents an overall picture of Scottish agriculture using data from the various agricultural surveys that RESAS manage.

Table C19 Number of occupiers, spouses and employees by Less Favoured Area category, June 2015


  LFA (1) Non-LFA Total
Working occupiers:
Full-time 6,330 3,204 9,534
Part-time: Half time or more 2,957 931 3,888
Less than half time 9,149 3,103 12,252
Total working occupiers 18,436 7,238 25,674
Occupiers not working on the holding 2,639 1,538 4,177
Working spouses:
Full-time 1,224 445 1,669
Part-time: Half time or more 1,477 567 2,044
Less than half time 6,184 2,398 8,582
Total working spouses 8,885 3,410 12,295
Spouses not working on the holding 2,176 1,344 3,520
Full-time employees:
Male: Business partners 1,436 1,026 2,462
Hired 3,316 3,855 7,171
Family 1,197 699 1,896
Female: Business partners 246 146 392
Hired 338 679 1,017
Family 244 116 360
Total full-time employees 6,777 6,521 13,298
Part-time employees:
Male: Business partners 485 286 771
Hired 1,254 961 2,215
Family 1,277 417 1,694
Female: Business partners 253 149 402
Hired 523 663 1,186
Family 711 274 985
Total part-time employees 4,503 2,750 7,253
Casual and seasonal employees:
Male 1,668 2,999 4,667
Female 359 1,812 2,171
Total casual and seasonal employees 2,027 4,811 6,838
Total employees 13,307 14,082 27,389
Total workforce (including occupiers and spouses) 40,628 24,730 65,358

(1) A holding is classified as LFA if 50% or more of its land is assessed as being disadvantaged or severely disadvantaged for subsidy purposes.


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