
Economic Report on Scottish Agriculture, 2016

Presents an overall picture of Scottish agriculture using data from the various agricultural surveys that RESAS manage.

Table C20 Number of occupiers and spouses by age group, June 2015


  Under 41 41 to 54 55 to 64 Over 64 Total
Working occupiers:
Full-time 858 3,078 2,737 2,861 9,534
Part-time: Half time or more 436 1,178 951 1,323 3,888
Less than half time 1,488 3,894 3,089 3,781 12,252
Total working occupiers 2,782 8,150 6,777 7,965 25,674
Occupiers not working on the holding 413 947 1,000 1,817 4,177
Working spouses:
Full-time 151 569 485 464 1,669
Part-time: Half time or more 229 769 577 469 2,044
Less than half time 1,104 3,195 2,298 1,985 8,582
Total working spouses 1,484 4,533 3,360 2,918 12,295
Spouses not working on the holding 499 1,080 861 1,080 3,520


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