
Economic Report on Scottish Agriculture, 2016

Presents an overall picture of Scottish agriculture using data from the various agricultural surveys that RESAS manage.

Table C21(i) Number of holdings (1) with occupiers, spouses and employees by region and sub-region, June 2015


  North West North East South East South West
Total Shetland Orkney Na h-Eileanan Siar Highland Total Grampian Total Tayside Fife Lothian Scottish Borders Total East Central Argyll & Bute Clyde Valley Ayrshire Dumfries & Galloway Scotland
Working occupiers:
Full-time 1,889 172 388 174 1,155 1,934 1,934 2,200 872 369 318 641 3,511 334 420 734 787 1,236 9,534
Part-time: Half time or more 1,717 222 146 414 935 578 578 598 233 90 100 175 995 109 160 206 193 327 3,888
Less than half time 6,006 725 363 2,038 2,880 1,917 1,917 1,745 669 288 292 496 2,584 265 480 571 468 800 12,252
Total working occupiers 9,612 1,119 897 2,626 4,970 4,429 4,429 4,543 1,774 747 710 1,312 7,090 708 1,060 1,511 1,448 2,363 25,674
Occupiers not working on the holding 1,390 113 211 393 673 1,011 1,011 703 285 135 97 186 1,073 122 164 234 274 279 4,177
Working spouses
Full-time 367 39 65 38 225 284 284 316 113 56 54 93 702 62 84 141 181 234 1,669
Part-time: Half time or more 621 80 103 98 340 365 365 394 150 65 56 123 664 77 98 118 144 227 2,044
Less than half time 3,290 431 328 810 1,721 1,492 1,492 1,533 600 239 205 489 2,267 227 334 474 450 782 8,582
Total working spouses 4,278 550 496 946 2,286 2,141 2,141 2,243 863 360 315 705 3,633 366 516 733 775 1,243 12,295
Spouses not working on the holding 968 75 141 230 522 883 883 683 259 133 113 178 986 99 128 219 247 293 3,520
Full-time employees:
Male: Business partners 215 9 57 8 141 394 394 555 240 83 86 146 756 76 69 146 175 290 1,920
Hired 410 9 82 6 313 522 522 1,287 480 188 221 398 1,189 99 137 200 221 532 3,408
Family 217 12 54 29 122 272 272 415 144 77 71 123 662 65 78 141 151 227 1,566
Female: Business partners 46 0 c c 31 60 60 97 41 13 17 26 154 11 11 29 40 63 357
Hired 46 c c c 40 57 57 192 76 31 43 42 154 16 17 43 34 44 449
Family 68 c 8 c 45 35 35 82 31 12 16 23 143 12 17 35 39 40 328
Total full-time employees 798 29 170 49 550 1,056 1,056 1,965 752 290 330 593 2,338 215 261 454 493 915 6,157
Part-time employees:
Male: Business partners 109 19 19 7 64 131 131 195 92 32 24 47 227 19 19 48 52 89 662
Hired 250 c 27 c 200 219 219 521 187 85 88 161 629 54 85 123 118 249 1,619
Family 499 76 51 116 256 253 253 218 95 28 36 59 464 53 70 116 76 149 1,434
Female: Business partners 57 c 16 c 34 76 76 95 39 17 14 25 149 16 12 39 27 55 377
Hired 88 c 7 c 74 113 113 251 107 35 46 63 244 32 41 46 37 88 696
Family 261 45 23 47 146 117 117 155 54 25 31 45 320 34 36 83 66 101 853
Total part-time employees 1,049 127 118 156 648 752 752 1,172 472 180 189 331 1,659 165 217 357 314 606 4,632
Casual and seasonal employees:
Male 362 38 44 51 229 240 240 434 165 59 63 147 645 58 83 121 131 252 1,681
Female 105 11 10 16 68 67 67 143 66 26 18 33 137 10 21 28 37 41 452
Total casual and seasonal employees 403 40 49 58 256 271 271 485 184 68 71 162 715 65 93 138 148 271 1,874
Total employees 1,892 176 286 237 1,193 1,638 1,638 2,714 1,051 403 433 827 3,630 361 454 755 723 1,337 9,874
Total workforce (including occupiers and spouses) 10,248 1,166 946 2,768 5,368 4,800 4,800 5,216 2,051 837 827 1,501 7,806 804 1,192 1,666 1,562 2,582 28,070

(1) Except for totals, holdings with employees in more than one category are counted more than once.

c data suppressed to prevent disclosure of individual holdings.


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