
Economic Report on Scottish Agriculture, 2016

Presents an overall picture of Scottish agriculture using data from the various agricultural surveys that RESAS manage.

Table C22 Number of holdings with full-time employees and number of full-time employees by region and size group, June 2015

Employee size group North West North East South East South West Scotland
Holdings Number Holdings Number Holdings Number Holdings Number Holdings Number
1 469 469 599 599 979 979 1,289 1,289 3,336 3,336
2 206 412 244 488 471 942 594 1,188 1,515 3,030
3 63 189 92 276 193 579 204 612 552 1,656
4 29 116 52 208 120 480 118 472 319 1,276
5-6 21 112 42 223 93 508 67 363 223 1,206
7 & over 10 99 27 319 109 1,613 66 763 212 2,794
Total full-time employees 798 1,397 1,056 2,113 1,965 5,101 2,338 4,687 6,157 13,298


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