
Economic Report on Scottish Agriculture, 2016

Presents an overall picture of Scottish agriculture using data from the various agricultural surveys that RESAS manage.

1.2 Previous publication of these data

The main results for each of the collections have already been published on the Scottish Government website at the following locations

June Census results

December Survey results

Total Income from Farming

Farm Accounts Survey results

Since publication, minor revisions have been made to the June Census results. Please note that, given that the changes are small and do not have an impact on any overall trends or messages, we have not amended the original headline statistical publications, though any changes made are incorporated into this publication.

The initial estimate of TIFF is always updated the following year to include more complete data, including any revisions in previous years due to changes in methodology. In January 2016 we published initial TIFF estimates for 2015, along with revised estimates for previous years. Where revisions have been made, they have been applied retrospectively to ensure comparability across years. The 2015 initial estimates will be revised in the January 2017 publication, along with previous years where necessary. Likewise, Farm Accounts Survey results will be revised slightly when next published in 2017.


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