
Economic Report on Scottish Agriculture, 2016

Presents an overall picture of Scottish agriculture using data from the various agricultural surveys that RESAS manage.

Table A2 (iii) Estimated production (3) of cereals (1), root crops and horticultural crops, 2011 to 2015

'000 tonnes

  Average 2011-15 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 (prov)
Wheat 858.3 957.0 673.3 652.9 989.3 1,019.2
Winter barley 341.5 333.6 276.5 280.5 410.8 406.2
Spring barley 1,575.8 1,533.0 1,447.0 1,713.5 1,664.9 1,520.8
Total barley 1,917.4 1,866.6 1 ,723.5 1,994.0 2,075.7 1,927.0
Oats 144.3 121.8 108.2 187.0 152.9 151.6
Triticale 2.9 3.5 2.0 2.8 3.3 2.9
Oilseed rape 132.8 149.6 106.4 111.7 147.6 148.5
Potato - seed (2) 288.8 321.9 262.7 296.2 290.9 272.3
Vining peas 27.4 26.6 20.3 28.9 30.2 30.8
Tomatoes 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5
Raspberries 2.9 3.2 2.5 2.7 2.9 3.0
Strawberries 23.8 21.4 16.9 23.8 25.2 31.8

(1) Crop yield estimates are taken mainly from the Cereal Production Survey. Some estimation from industry experts has been included in the yield and production estimates for winter barley, oats, triticale and oilseed rape.

(2) The yield and production figures are partly based on Scotland's Rural College (SRUC) and British Potato Council estimates.

(3) Production is valued at the point it is used or sold off the farm, so there can be differences between production volumes presented here and output volumes presented in subsequent tables.


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