
Economic Report on Scottish Agriculture, 2016

Presents an overall picture of Scottish agriculture using data from the various agricultural surveys that RESAS manage.

Table A3 Output and utilisation of cereals and oilseed rape, 2011 to 2015 (1)

  Unit 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 (prov)
Wheat (2)
Human and industrial '000 tonnes 626.6 638.5 401.4 592.6 524.4
Seed (3) " 13.5 14.0 9.3 14.8 13.6
Feed and other (4) " 248.9 195.6 143.5 254.0 364.3
Total marketings " 889.0 848.1 554.2 861.4 902.3
Stock change " 68.0 -174.8 98.7 127.9 116.9
Total quantity of output " 957.0 673.3 652.9 989.3 1,019.2
Market price (5) £ per tonne 151.81 179.04 179.43 133.03 117.64
Market value £ millions 134.96 151.84 99.44 114.59 106.15
Stock change (6) " 10.21 -33.45 16.34 15.03 13.17
Total value of output " 145.17 118.39 115.78 129.63 119.32
Barley (2)
Human and industrial '000 tonnes 686.5 670.1 601.4 629.1 541.9
Seed (3) " 41.4 39.6 47.4 44.6 38.5
Feed and other (4) " 1,152.9 1,000.4 1,245.1 1,340.1 1,371.9
Total marketings " 1,880.8 1,710.1 1,893.9 2,013.9 1,952.2
Stock change " -14.2 13.4 100.1 61.8 -25.3
Total quantity of output " 1,866.6 1,723.5 1,994.1 2,075.7 1,926.9
Market price £ per tonne 156.92 182.36 143.07 111.92 102.76
Market value £ millions 295.13 311.85 270.96 225.40 200.61
Stock change (6) " -2.27 2.51 13.72 6.63 -2.51
Total value of output " 292.86 314.36 284.69 232.02 198.10
Oats (2)
Human and industrial '000 tonnes 110.6 85.5 133.6 118.2 120.9
Seed (3) " 3.9 3.3 4.8 4.2 4.5
Feed and other (4) " 14.0 17.1 17.0 25.1 21.4
Total marketings " 128.5 106.0 155.3 147.5 146.9
Stock change " -6.6 2.3 31.7 5.4 4.7
Total quantity of output " 121.8 108.2 187.0 152.9 151.6
Market price £ per tonne 162.80 192.35 139.37 106.57 107.65
Market value £ millions 20.92 20.38 21.64 15.72 15.81
Stock change (6) " -1.17 0.45 4.14 0.52 0.50
Total value of output " 19.75 20.38 25.78 16.24 16.31
Oilseed rape (2)
Total marketings '000 tonnes 149.6 106.4 111.7 147.6 148.5
Market price £ per tonne 354.47 370.00 291.60 240.50 249.90
Total value of output £ millions 53.04 39.38 32.56 35.49 37.11

(1) Output data are for calendar years (except oilseed rape) and so reflect the influence of two crop years. Oilseed rape data are for crop year.

(2) Includes all production whether sold off or consumed on the national farm.

(3) Excludes seed retained on farm of origin or sold farm-to-farm.

(4) Includes sales to animal feed manufacturers, feed and seed retained on farm of origin or sold farm-to-farm.

(5) Average market returns net of marketing expenses, feed and seed retained on farm of origin or sold farm-to-farm are valued at opportunity cost, assumed to be the ex-farm feed price.

(6) Value of the physical increase in on-farm stocks over the course of the year.


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