
Economic Report on Scottish Agriculture, 2016

Presents an overall picture of Scottish agriculture using data from the various agricultural surveys that RESAS manage.

Table A12 (i) Agricultural payments and subsidies (1) included in the aggregate account, 2011 to 2015 £ million

  2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 (prov)
Included in commodity output (Table A1)
Scottish Beef Calf Scheme 21.915 20.400 z z z
Scottish Beef Scheme z z 20.772 20.615 z
Scottish Sucker Beef Support Scheme (Mainland) z z z z 27.888
Scottish Sucker Beef Support Scheme (Island) z z z z 4.808
Cattle total 21.915 20.400 20.772 20.615 32.696
Scottish Upland Sheep Support Scheme z z z z 5.770
Included in Other Subsidies (Table A1):
Single Farm Payment Scheme/Basic Payment Scheme 483.075 445.149 453.094 379.760 219.491
Greening z z z z 115.397
Young Farmer Payment z z z z 0.962
Less-Favoured Area Support Scheme 66.595 65.618 65.187 64.430 65.500
Land Management Contract Menu Scheme 6.556 0.154 0.071 0.011 0.004
Land Managers Options 3.540 5.812 6.813 6.818 5.152
Rural Stewardship Scheme 3.964 0.674 0.229 0.166 0.101
Rural Priorities 31.839 32.724 33.046 35.545 28.175
Other Compensation Payments (2) z z 4.566 z 2.370
Environmentally Sensitive Areas Payments 0.578 0.245 0.031 0.003 z
Countryside Premium Scheme 0.233 0.009 0.030 0.001 z
Organic Aid Scheme 1.728 0.149 0.074 0.043 0.018
Farm Woodland Scheme 0.356 0.290 0.277 0.330 0.310
Farm Woodland Premium Scheme 2.285 1.790 1.360 1.090 0.900
Farmland Premium Scheme 1.407 1.290 1.180 1.280 0.950
Other (3) z z 1.621 z 12.200
Total included in other subsidies 602.156 553.904 567.579 489.477 451.529
Total other payments and subsidies 624.071 574.304 588.351 510.092 489.995

(1) Subsidies paid to farmers to support non-agricultural activities or capital improvements excluded from A12 (i).

(2) Includes Severe Weather grants for 2013 and EU dairy aid in 2015

(3) Includes Fallen Stock, Weather Aid and New Entrants scheme for 2013, and Financial Discipline Reimbursement in 2015

z: not applicable


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