
Economic Report on Scottish Agriculture, 2016

Presents an overall picture of Scottish agriculture using data from the various agricultural surveys that RESAS manage.

Table B11 Average opening and closing balance sheets by tenure and type of farm: 2014-15

Tenure of farm Type of farm Specialist sheep ( LFA) Specialist cattle ( LFA) Other cattle and sheep ( LFA) (1) Cereals General cropping Dairy Lowland
cattle and sheep
Mixed All farm types
Valuation (£/farm) Valuation (£/farm) Valuation (£/farm) Valuation (£/farm) Valuation (£/farm) Valuation (£/farm) Valuation (£/farm) Valuation (£/farm) Valuation (£/farm)
Opening Closing Opening Closing Opening Closing Opening Closing Opening Closing Opening Closing Opening Closing Opening Closing Opening Closing
Owner-occupied farms Sample Size 20-50 >50 20-50 20-50 20-50 20-50 <20 20-50 >50
Total assets 957,858 961,846 1,259,273 1,284,790 1,781,736 1,800,629 2,439,238 2,465,059 2,299,953 2,357,009 2,177,151 2,216,185 1,350,837 1,373,301 1,935,528 1,933,592 1,659,430 1,679,409
Total external liabilities 48,492 48,404 112,108 112,147 184,170 181,912 193,100 194,460 147,484 178,269 270,263 261,701 117,726 117,649 147,687 138,929 138,162 138,174
Net worth 909,366 913,442 1,147,165 1,172,643 1,597,566 1,618,717 2,246,138 2,270,599 2,152,468 2,178,740 1,906,888 1,954,484 1,233,112 1,255,652 1,787,841 1,794,663 1,521,268 1,541,235
Liabilities as a percentage of assets 5.1 5.0 8.9 8.7 10.3 10.1 7.9 7.9 6.4 7.6 12.4 11.8 8.7 8.6 7.6 7.2 8.3 8.2
Tenanted farms Sample Size <20 20-50 <20 <20 <20 c <20 <20 >50
Total assets 247,175 240,345 399,032 392,764 350,763 347,447 299,121 301,199 381,848 360,052 c c 407,539 403,396 396,123 374,949 357,975 350,035
Total external liabilities 14,055 13,249 73,377 75,676 53,341 50,331 53,394 56,883 64,694 63,906 c c 45,147 46,981 103,649 92,060 60,566 58,294
Net worth 233,121 227,096 325,655 317,088 297,422 297,117 245,727 244,316 317,154 296,146 c c 362,392 356,414 292,475 282,889 297,409 291,741
Liabilities as a percentage of assets 5.7 5.5 18.4 19.3 15.2 14.5 17.9 18.9 16.9 17.7 c c 11.1 11.6 26.2 24.6 16.9 16.7
Mixed tenure farms Sample Size <20 <50 <20 <20 20-50 20-50 <20 20-50 >50
Total assets 738,288 757,497 1,338,228 1,372,532 1,163,281 1,241,573 1,940,153 1,937,516 2,630,750 2,664,018 2,635,686 2,700,964 1,491,557 1,499,367 1,768,305 1,818,905 1,502,636 1,540,174
Total external liabilities 66,293 72,319 125,262 141,534 160,638 197,175 159,617 170,704 278,715 300,609 376,967 406,263 258,394 247,808 334,050 376,105 186,454 206,578
Net worth 671,995 685,177 1,212,967 1,230,998 1,002,644 1,044,398 1,780,536 1,766,812 2,352,035 2,363,409 2,258,719 2,294,701 1,233,163 1,251,560 1,434,255 1,442,800 1,316,182 1,333,596
Liabilities as a percentage of assets 9.0 9.5 9.4 10.3 13.8 15.9 8.2 8.8 10.6 11.3 14.3 15.0 17.3 16.5 18.9 20.7 12.4 13.4
All Tenures Sample Size 38 133 54 62 54 47 28 69 485
Total assets 705,726 708,462 1,124,345 1,145,798 1,181,829 1,205,675 2,025,792 2,044,394 2,071,834 2,114,364 2,082,790 2,119,346 1,228,048 1,244,873 1,684,939 1,686,520 1,374,142 1,391,016
Total external liabilities 40,237 40,777 107,540 110,514 136,147 141,660 166,007 168,838 153,745 178,800 283,122 278,462 123,450 122,428 163,783 160,787 129,459 131,909
Net worth 665,488 667,684 1,016,805 1,035,283 1,045,683 1,064,015 1,859,786 1,875,556 1,918,090 1,935,564 1,799,668 1,840,884 1,104,598 1,122,445 1,521,156 1,525,734 1,244,682 1,259,107
Liabilities as a percentage of assets 5.7 5.8 9.6 9.6 11.5 11.7 8.2 8.3 7.4 8.5 13.6 13.1 10.1 9.8 9.7 9.5 9.4 9.5

(1) Other cattle and sheep ( LFA) excludes farms identified as specialist sheep or specialist cattle.

c: cell values have been suppressed due to small sample sizes.


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