
Economic Report on Scottish Agriculture, 2016

Presents an overall picture of Scottish agriculture using data from the various agricultural surveys that RESAS manage.

Table C3 Agricultural area by Less Favoured Area Category, June 2015

  LFA (1) Non-LFA Total
Number of holdings 36,184 16,119 52,303
Crops, fallow and set-aside: hectares hectares hectares
Wheat 9,344 100,219 109,562
Triticale 287 338 626
Barley: Winter 7,428 44,380 51,808
Spring 66,353 189,525 255,878
Total 73,781 233,904 307,686
Oats (including mixed grain) 6,609 19,080 25,690
Rape for oilseed (including linseed) 1,921 34,027 35,948
Potatoes 1,998 23,766 25,764
Peas for combining 195 1,275 1,470
Beans for combining 363 3,683 4,045
Turnips, swedes and beet for stockfeeding 2,302 2,144 4,446
Other crops for stockfeeding (2) 9,600 3,798 13,397
Vegetables for human consumption 1,000 15,671 16,672
Orchard and soft fruit 96 1,823 1,919
Bulbs, flowers and nursery stock 148 798 946
All other crops 3,590 7,826 11,416
Fallow land: 5 years or less 7,933 22,129 30,061
more than 5 years 1,751 1,297 3,049
Total crops and fallow 120,919 471,779 592,698
Under 5 years 131,517 81,447 212,964
5 years and over 938,076 189,888 1,127,964
Total grass 1,069,592 271,335 1,340,928
Total crops, fallow and grass 1,190,512 743,114 1,933,625
Rough grazing:
Sole right grazing 2,916,225 32,875 2,949,100
Common grazing 584,247 0 584,247
Total rough grazing 3,500,472 32,875 3,533,347
Total crops, fallow, grass and rough grazing (UAA) (3) 4,690,984 775,988 5,466,972
Woodland 451,990 72,036 524,026
Other land 152,597 17,071 169,669
Total agricultural area 5,295,571 865,095 6,160,667

(1) A holding is classified as LFA if 50% or more of its land is assessed as being disadvantaged or severely disadvantaged for subsidy purposes.

(2) Includes lupins and maize.

(3) Utilised agricultural area (UAA) excludes woodland and other land such as yards and derelict land etc.


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