
Economic Report on Scottish Agriculture, 2016

Presents an overall picture of Scottish agriculture using data from the various agricultural surveys that RESAS manage.

Table C7 Number of holdings by size group and farm type, June 2015


Size group Hectares Farm type
Specialist cereals General cropping Specialist horticulture & permanent crops Specialist pigs Specialist poultry Specialist dairy LFA cattle & sheep Non- LFA cattle & sheep Mixed holdings General cropping; forage Unclassified Total
Under 10 408 192 454 217 773 c 4,592 1,135 3,392 14,933 c 27,266
10-<20 238 36 35 9 46 c 1,789 270 340 2,289 c 5,191
20-<50 540 116 42 14 29 53 2,130 394 332 2,268 128 6,046
50-<100 565 202 27 19 20 241 1,857 323 387 1,228 85 4,954
100-<200 504 228 37 13 16 327 1,716 229 472 752 50 4,344
200 & over 322 122 26 13 11 152 2,462 96 399 836 63 4,502
Total 2,577 896 621 285 895 786 14,546 2,447 5,322 22,306 1,622 52,303

Note: Since the 2014 publication, ERSA has used a new farm typology. Comparisons with previous years should be made with caution. Further details are available at:

c data suppressed to prevent disclosure on individual holdings.


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