
Economic Report on Scottish Agriculture, 2016

Presents an overall picture of Scottish agriculture using data from the various agricultural surveys that RESAS manage.

Table C10(i) Number of holdings with livestock by region and sub-region, June 2015


  North West North East South East South West
Total Shetland Orkney Na h-Eileanan Siar Highland Total Grampian Total Tayside Fife Lothian Scottish Borders Total East Central Argyll & Bute Clyde Valley Ayrshire Dumfries & Galloway Scotland
Female Dairy Cattle
Female Dairy Cattle aged 1-2 72 c 26 c 35 85 85 108 34 29 24 21 939 34 67 168 271 399 1,204
Female Dairy Cattle 2 years and over with offspring 156 16 37 10 93 168 168 198 53 47 44 54 1,310 60 86 284 360 520 1,832
Female Dairy Cattle 2 years and over without offspring 71 c 31 c 30 83 83 122 31 36 32 23 1,104 41 68 212 321 462 1,380
Total Female Dairy Cattle 209 20 46 15 128 211 211 238 69 57 48 64 1,461 64 96 321 395 585 2,119
Female Beef Cattle
Female Beef Cattle aged 1-2 1,873 99 468 169 1,137 1,651 1,651 1,515 562 215 200 538 3,267 271 447 642 689 1,218 8,306
Female Beef Cattle 2 years and over with offspring 2,723 143 494 393 1,693 1,587 1,587 1,596 599 225 201 571 3,359 321 550 667 635 1,186 9,265
Female Beef Cattle 2 years and over without offspring 1,847 78 416 216 1,137 1,509 1,509 1,456 538 212 188 518 3,137 275 468 618 635 1,141 7,949
Total Female Beef Cattle 2,949 165 523 429 1,832 1,981 1,981 1,835 697 262 244 632 4,023 360 606 797 818 1,442 10,788
Male Cattle
Male Cattle aged 1-2 1,429 89 455 92 793 1,644 1,644 1,386 506 217 193 470 3,053 248 316 611 701 1,177 7,512
Male Cattle aged 2 and over 1,755 91 442 149 1,073 1,700 1,700 1,583 592 232 207 552 3,507 304 454 682 727 1,340 8,545
Total Male Cattle 2,091 122 489 207 1,273 1,971 1,971 1,756 669 257 232 598 3,888 344 499 772 821 1,452 9,706
Female Dairy Cattle under 1 82 c 22 c 48 61 61 105 31 28 25 21 911 36 72 162 253 388 1,159
Female Beef Cattle under 1 2,303 125 468 289 1,421 1,643 1,643 1,572 592 223 197 560 3,625 312 514 699 743 1,357 9,143
Male Cattle under 1 2,336 c 473 c 1,443 1,769 1,769 1,638 616 241 213 568 3,761 328 522 718 792 1,401 9,504
Total Calves 2,571 138 490 348 1,595 1,907 1,907 1,713 648 253 217 595 3,926 341 548 757 825 1,455 10,117
Total Cattle 3,101 175 541 451 1,934 2,288 2,288 2,011 773 299 275 664 4,480 399 638 898 918 1,627 11,880
Ewes for breeding 5,957 1,047 433 1,966 2,511 1,347 1,347 1,888 651 183 247 807 3,469 316 711 654 591 1,197 12,661
Other sheep one year old and over for breeding 4,768 879 310 1,562 2,017 783 783 1,485 519 117 174 675 2,549 225 579 474 405 866 9,585
Rams for service 4,390 802 374 1,406 1,808 1,155 1,155 1,614 556 149 203 706 2,969 260 607 560 497 1,045 10,128
Lambs 5,805 998 448 1,895 2,464 1,407 1,407 1,949 671 193 260 825 3,472 319 688 663 593 1,209 12,633
Other sheep not for breeding 2,985 535 260 1,028 1,162 594 594 791 291 90 121 289 1,371 130 327 254 200 460 5,741
Total sheep 6,863 1,154 522 2,201 2,986 1,729 1,729 2,280 781 253 316 930 4,003 371 797 764 693 1,378 14,875
Female breeding herd (1) 150 10 14 18 108 92 92 103 32 10 26 35 141 16 22 c c 57 486
All other non-breeding pigs 333 21 36 45 231 226 226 235 73 31 57 74 308 41 44 c c 110 1,102
Total pigs 366 22 40 51 253 240 240 249 76 31 59 83 351 46 50 c c 128 1,206
Fowls for producing eggs 2,280 264 322 425 1,269 972 972 1,173 416 215 182 360 1,702 c c 356 325 568 6,127
Fowls for breeding (2) 1,056 113 176 221 546 464 464 493 c c 81 158 770 c c c 135 c 2,783
Broilers and other table fowls and other poultry 1,069 137 198 159 575 529 529 515 c c 97 151 812 c 111 c 165 c 2,925
Total poultry 2,512 301 366 472 1,373 1,117 1,117 1,349 476 240 224 409 1,965 208 308 415 379 655 6,943
Goats and kids 206 18 47 16 125 154 154 183 85 33 25 40 259 26 26 60 65 82 802
Deer 28 0 c c c 11 11 20 11 c c c 32 6 5 c c 12 91
Horses used in agriculture or horticulture 74 13 6 14 41 40 40 81 25 13 12 31 97 7 6 27 25 32 292
All other horses and ponies 1,364 168 193 134 869 1,413 1,413 1,887 626 325 329 607 2,276 280 183 563 492 758 6,940
Total horses 1,410 178 197 146 889 1,439 1,439 1,932 641 334 336 621 2,322 284 187 576 500 775 7,103
Donkeys 64 0 c 0 c 96 96 96 39 16 c c 208 25 30 41 41 71 464
Camelids 41 c c c 32 45 45 66 27 9 12 18 90 6 13 22 19 30 242
Beehives 135 c c 7 120 111 111 168 69 22 29 48 199 c 28 41 c 81 613

(1) Sows in pig, gilts in pig and other sows for breeding.

(2) Hens laying eggs to hatch layer and table chicks and cocks.

c data suppressed to prevent disclosure of individual holdings.


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