
Economic Report on Scottish Agriculture, 2016

Presents an overall picture of Scottish agriculture using data from the various agricultural surveys that RESAS manage.

Table C10(ii) Number of livestock by region and sub-region, June 2015


  North West North East South East South West
Total Shetland Orkney Na h-Eileanan Siar Highland Total Grampian Total Tayside Fife Lothian Scottish Borders Total East Central Argyll & Bute Clyde Valley Ayrshire Dumfries & Galloway Scotland
Female Dairy Cattle
Female Dairy Cattle aged 1-2 1,079 c 431 c 568 2,698 2,698 5,050 1,119 1,613 689 1,629 46,463 1,929 2,131 6,739 11,319 24,345 55,290
Female Dairy Cattle 2 years and over with offspring 4,370 363 2,227 10 1,770 7,893 7,893 14,085 3,428 3,983 2,658 4,016 149,386 5,872 6,920 20,867 37,565 78,162 175,734
Female Dairy Cattle 2 years and over without offspring 1,044 c 493 c 493 1,447 1,447 3,498 608 1,228 750 912 41,008 1,216 1,931 6,079 11,475 20,307 46,997
Total Female Dairy Cattle 6,493 492 3,151 19 2,831 12,038 12,038 22,633 5,155 6,824 4,097 6,557 236,857 9,017 10,982 33,685 60,359 122,814 278,021
Female Beef Cattle
Female Beef Cattle aged 1-2 25,467 424 10,958 462 13,623 56,058 56,058 40,788 12,982 5,956 5,980 15,870 67,752 4,398 4,641 11,296 14,027 33,390 190,065
Female Beef Cattle 2 years and over with offspring 78,300 1,584 26,410 2,695 47,611 88,037 88,037 100,856 32,856 12,675 13,164 42,161 169,573 12,590 20,041 28,154 29,670 79,118 436,766
Female Beef Cattle 2 years and over without offspring 11,175 205 3,674 569 6,727 20,040 20,040 16,770 5,972 2,310 2,449 6,039 34,729 2,880 3,662 6,328 7,151 14,708 82,714
Total Female Beef Cattle 114,942 2,213 41,042 3,726 67,961 164,135 164,135 158,414 51,810 20,941 21,593 64,070 272,054 19,868 28,344 45,778 50,848 127,216 709,545
Male Cattle
Male Cattle aged 1-2 19,821 326 9,788 214 9,493 63,377 63,377 40,330 11,507 8,389 6,524 13,910 76,800 5,770 3,358 12,578 16,424 38,670 200,328
Male Cattle aged 2 and over 6,063 170 2,150 243 3,500 22,861 22,861 12,710 4,126 2,334 2,164 4,086 32,827 2,146 2,103 5,908 7,315 15,355 74,461
Total Male Cattle 25,884 496 11,938 457 12,993 86,238 86,238 53,040 15,633 10,723 8,688 17,996 109,627 7,916 5,461 18,486 23,739 54,025 274,789
Female Dairy Cattle under 1 1,084 c 380 c 611 2,799 2,799 5,468 1,232 1,588 700 1,948 51,355 2,126 2,231 7,629 12,302 27,067 60,706
Female Beef Cattle under 1 35,382 733 12,729 1,142 20,778 44,190 44,190 48,728 15,569 6,225 6,766 20,168 92,866 6,040 9,305 14,824 17,832 44,865 221,166
Male Cattle under 1 36,004 c 13,060 c 21,109 49,274 49,274 54,919 17,217 8,461 7,682 21,559 121,562 7,722 10,559 19,366 25,582 58,333 261,759
Total Calves 72,470 1,563 26,169 2,240 42,498 96,263 96,263 109,115 34,018 16,274 15,148 43,675 265,783 15,888 22,095 41,819 55,716 130,265 543,631
Total Cattle 219,789 4,764 82,300 6,442 126,283 358,674 358,674 343,202 106,616 54,762 49,526 132,298 884,321 52,689 66,882 139,768 190,662 434,320 1,805,986
Ewes for breeding 579,883 120,504 42,389 64,552 352,438 224,079 224,079 764,872 237,018 32,290 71,264 424,300 1,019,340 105,440 187,584 158,833 174,882 392,601 2,588,174
Other sheep one year old and over for breeding 155,370 30,016 10,577 17,397 97,380 59,158 59,158 217,863 70,124 7,371 19,012 121,356 265,028 25,821 48,395 44,265 44,105 102,442 697,419
Rams for service 20,708 3,808 1,655 2,892 12,353 8,254 8,254 24,328 7,496 1,126 2,578 13,128 33,831 3,395 6,467 5,531 5,694 12,744 87,121
Lambs 609,350 115,148 56,793 55,451 381,958 326,715 326,715 1,029,869 297,872 50,643 99,351 582,003 1,263,726 123,933 180,293 211,747 229,608 518,145 3,229,660
Other sheep not for breeding 37,880 6,575 4,934 7,579 18,792 11,442 11,442 23,569 8,687 1,428 3,458 9,996 26,111 4,304 5,316 5,524 3,480 7,487 99,002
Total sheep 1,403,191 276,051 116,348 147,871 862,921 629,648 629,648 2,060,501 621,197 92,858 195,663 1,150,783 2,608,036 262,893 428,055 425,900 457,769 1,033,419 6,701,376
Female breeding herd (1) 1,783 35 46 43 1,659 18,524 18,524 8,410 3,068 404 2,294 2,644 2,117 73 167 c c 1,254 30,834
All other non-breeding pigs 18,291 264 297 169 17,561 158,413 158,413 91,792 31,016 4,466 26,365 29,945 18,418 404 1,244 c c 11,744 286,914
Total pigs 20,074 299 343 212 19,220 176,937 176,937 100,202 34,084 4,870 28,659 32,589 20,535 477 1,411 c c 12,998 317,748
Fowls for producing eggs 217,727 3,615 7,664 5,607 200,841 840,344 840,344 4,206,027 431,353 1,143,806 59,084 2,571,784 846,383 c c 112,920 369,568 332,947 6,110,481
Fowls for breeding (2) 3,768 369 783 719 1,897 2,132 2,132 598,006 c c 143,378 103,777 585,277 c c c 142,057 c 1,189,183
Broilers and other table fowls and other poultry 30,204 1,272 2,153 1,413 25,366 468,712 468,712 4,418,053 c c 2,095,012 3,354 838,535 c 1,100 c 38,820 c 5,755,504
Total poultry 251,699 5,256 10,600 7,739 228,104 1,311,188 1,311,188 9,222,086 2,074,780 2,170,917 2,297,474 2,678,915 2,270,195 362,328 13,034 196,216 550,445 1,148,172 13,055,168
Goats and kids 989 60 179 66 684 998 998 1,067 486 180 153 248 1,697 87 125 292 734 459 4,751
Deer 1,798 0 c c c 1,595 1,595 1,619 730 c c c 2,224 657 377 c c 869 7,236
Horses used in agriculture or horticulture 213 65 12 30 106 103 103 331 95 136 31 69 359 32 13 84 87 143 1,006
All other horses and ponies 5,431 1,055 686 305 3,385 7,428 7,428 10,815 3,355 2,084 2,490 2,886 11,728 1,772 825 3,324 2,889 2,918 35,402
Total horses 5,644 1,120 698 335 3,491 7,531 7,531 11,146 3,450 2,220 2,521 2,955 12,087 1,804 838 3,408 2,976 3,061 36,408
Donkeys 96 0 c 0 c 264 264 372 78 44 c c 533 68 48 74 131 212 1,265
Camelids 289 c c c 188 353 353 420 162 63 121 74 716 72 171 181 72 220 1,778
Beehives 454 c c 20 400 750 750 2,363 1,896 109 161 197 1,334 c 200 153 c 438 4,901

(1) Sows in pig, gilts in pig and other sows for breeding.

(2) Hens laying eggs to hatch layer and table chicks and cocks.

c data suppressed to prevent disclosure of individual holdings.


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