
Economic Report on Scottish Agriculture, 2016

Presents an overall picture of Scottish agriculture using data from the various agricultural surveys that RESAS manage.

Table C11 Number of holdings with dairy cows (1) and number of dairy cows by region and size group, June 2015

Herd size group North West North East South East South West Scotland
Holdings Number Holdings Number Holdings Number Holdings Number Holdings Number
1-4 114 144 114 154 106 156 367 597 701 1,051
5-19 11 79 10 81 12 100 85 757 118 1,017
20-49 c c 5 207 c c 56 1,992 72 2,563
50-74 10 619 c c c c 79 4,937 101 6,315
75-99 c c c c 14 1,215 108 9,428 129 11,251
100-149 8 1,006 9 1,111 17 2,058 226 27,930 260 32,105
150 & over 8 2,298 21 5,651 33 9,738 389 103,745 451 121,432
Total 156 4,370 168 7,893 198 14,085 1,310 149,386 1,832 175,734

(1) Female dairy cattle aged 2 years old and over with offspring.

c data suppressed to prevent disclosure of individual holdings.


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