
Economic Report on Scottish Agriculture, 2016

Presents an overall picture of Scottish agriculture using data from the various agricultural surveys that RESAS manage.

Table C15 Number of holdings with female breeding pigs (1) and number of female breeding pigs by region and size group, June 2015

Herd size group North West North East South East South West Scotland
Holdings Number Holdings Number Holdings Number Holdings Number Holdings Number
1-4 127 236 46 94 67 125 116 216 356 671
5-49 c c c c 14 208 19 196 61 660
50-99 0 0 c c c c 0 0 7 568
100-249 c c 6 1,038 c c c c 16 2,651
250 & over c c 28 17,041 12 6,872 c c 46 26,284
Total 150 1,783 92 18,524 103 8,410 141 2,117 486 30,834

(1) Sows and gilts in pig and other sows for breeding.

c data suppressed to prevent disclosure of individual holdings.


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