Snowsports sector - economic, social and cultural impact: research - technical report
This technical annex contains methodological details of the research into the economic, cultural and social value of the Scottish snowsports sector.
3. Stakeholder discussion guide
3.1 Introduction
A number of topic guides were developed to help guide study team member conversations with stakeholders. These were used flexibly and adapted depending on the consultee's role and/or interest in snowsports (i.e. some but not all questions may have been appropriate or relevant to all stakeholders).
Introductions were made and the study team explained the purpose of the research, how stakeholder feedback would be used (i.e. thematic reporting to protect confidentiality and anonymity), the timescales for reporting, and how the report would be used by the Scottish Government.
3.2 Snowsport operators
- What is the company/ownership structure?
- Who owns the land and assets. If leased, who owns and what are the lease terms?
- Are there any alternative governance structures that you have considered?
- How would you describe the historical financial position?
- How would you describe your current financial position for the current year?
- How would you describe the financial impact of COVID-19 on your business?
- What financial support did you receive during COVID-19 and what difference did this make?
- How would you describe your short-term financial prospects (1-3 years)?
- How would you describe your long-term financial prospects (3-5 years)?
- What are the most significant cost pressures and income pressures that you are facing?
- How do you plan to address current and future financial challenges?
- What do you see as the most significant challenges/barriers to sustainability in the short and longer term?
- What could be done to enhance future sustainability and what needs to be in place to enable this?
- What impact has COVID-19 had on levels of demand?
- What was the trend in demand prior to COVID-19?
- How do you see levels of demand in the short-term and long-term and what are key influencers?
- Do you see opportunities to grow and diversify demand? If so, what do you need in order to take advantages of these opportunities?
- Since 2016 what investments have been made in the centre/facility?
- Are there any investments planned for future where there is investment already in place? (if so where is investment coming from i.e. grant funding, commercial loans, other?)
- What investments priorities are required in the future but no investment in place?
- What are the consequences if priorities are not addressed?
Supply chain:
- Who are your key supply chain companies, local, national and international?
- What do they provide?
- Where are they based?
- Indicative annual spend?
- Have you experienced any problems with your supply chain and how has COVID-19 affected this?
Local businesses and community groups:
- How do your activities impact on local businesses and community groups?
- Which are impacted the greatest?
- What engagement do you have with these businesses/organisations?
- To what extent do snowsport centres, artificial facilities, non-governmental bodies and clubs collaborate to build a sustainable snowsport sector?
- Is there more that could be done to enhance collaboration?
Marketing and promotion
- What are the main marketing and promotional channels used to market the Snowsport centre?
- Are there improvements that could be made? If so, what?
Additional points
Any wider points you want to feed into the research or feel we have not covered?
3.3 Snowsport Scotland and sportscotland
- What is your role and interest in snowsports?
- What is the current membership of Snowsport Scotland? How has this changed over recent years?
- How important are the snowsport centres and artificial slope facilities to Snowsport Scotland sports and to sporting pathways?
- To what extent does Snowsport Scotland and the snowsport sector collaborate to build a sustainable snowsport sector?
- What do you consider to be the most important ingredients to ensure a sustainable snowsport sector in Scotland?
- What impact has COVID-19 had on the sector? What support was provided to aid its recovery? Is further support needed?
- How could sector be further strengthened?
- How would you assess the economic impact of the snowsport sector in Scotland?
- How would you assess the social and cultural impact of the snowsport sector in Scotland?
- What is likely to impact on the scale of economic impact in future years?
- What are the main barriers to, and enablers of long-term sustainability of the snowsport sector?
- Where do you see opportunities to increase participation and improve/diversify offer?
- What are your thoughts on how the sector should be funded to ensure its sustainability?
- Are there any countries that we could look at as comparators to Scotland? Are you aware of any lessons that Scotland could learn from other countries? Do you have any contacts and/or research reports that may be useful to review?
- Any wider points you want to feed into the research or feel we have not covered?
3.4 Enterprise agencies
- Which snowsport centre(s) does the enterprise agency account manage?
- What are the governance arrangements in place with each centre?
- Has there been any challenges or difficulties experienced?
- What works well in terms of the governance arrangements?
- How does the enterprise agency support the different snowsport centres financially?
- How have levels of support changed over the years? What processes are involved in determining the level of support?
- How has the enterprise agency supported the centres during the COVID-19 crisis?
- How would you describe the short-term financial prospects (1-3 years)?
- How would you describe the long-term financial prospects (3-5 years)?
- What do you see as the most significant challenges/barriers to sustainability in the short and longer term?
- What could be done to enhance future sustainability and what needs to be in place to enable this?
- What is the role of the enterprise agency in helping to enhance the future sustainability of the sector? What enablers are required to achieve this?
Supply chain and local communities
- How important are the snowsport centres to the wider economic, social, and cultural ecosystems in which they operate?
- In what ways does the enterprise agency and the snowsport centres collaborate?
- Is there more that could be done to enhance collaboration?
Additional points
- Any wider points you want to feed into the research or feel we have not covered?
3.5 Other business-facing organisations and agencies
- What is the role and remit of your organisation?
- How and in what ways does your organisation link with, or connect to, the snowsports sector in Scotland? Are there any interdependencies?
- How important a part do the snowsport centres play in terms of supporting the local economy?
- How reliant or otherwise are other local businesses on the snowsport centres?
- In what ways does your organisation and the snowsport centres collaborate?
- What do you consider to be the most important ingredients to ensure a sustainable snowsport sector in Scotland?
- Are there things that could be done to strengthen the governance arrangements within the sector?
- What are the main barriers to long term sustainability of the snowsport sector
- Where do you see opportunities to increase participation and improve/diversify offer
- What impact has COVID-19 had on the sector and what support do you think is required to aid its recovery?
- How could sector be further strengthened?
- How would you assess the economic impact of the snowsport sector in Scotland?
- What is likely to impact on the scale of economic impact in future years
- How would you assess the social and cultural impact of the snowsport sector in Scotland?
- What is likely to impact on the scale of economic impact in future years?
- Any wider points you want to feed into the research or feel we have not covered?
3.6 Other organisations
- What is the role and remit of your organisation?
- How and in what ways does your organisation link with, or connect to, the snowsports sector in Scotland? Are there any interdependencies?
- How important are the snowsport centres to your organisation and to sporting pathways?
- What are the main sports development pathways/programmes and activities used to develop and increase participation in snowsports?
- Where are the strengths in terms of the existing pathway? Where are any weaknesses in terms of the existing pathway?
- To what extent, and in what ways, does your organisation collaborate with the snowsports sector?
- What do you consider to be the most important ingredients to ensure a sustainable snowsport sector in Scotland?
- What are the main barriers to long term sustainability of the snowsport sector?
- Where do you see opportunities to increase participation and improve/diversify offer?
- What impact has COVID-19 had on the sector? What support was provided to aid its recovery? Is further support needed?
- How could sector be further strengthened?
- How would you assess the economic impact of the snowsport sector in Scotland?
- What is likely to impact on the scale of economic impact in future years?
- How would you assess the social and cultural impact of the snowsport sector in Scotland?
- What is likely to impact on the scale of economic impact in future years?
There is a problem
Thanks for your feedback