Snowsports sector - economic, social and cultural impact: research - technical report

This technical annex contains methodological details of the research into the economic, cultural and social value of the Scottish snowsports sector.

6. Business Survey Questionnaire

Business Online Survey – email introduction

The Scottish Government has commissioned EKOS to undertake research to establish the wider impact and contribution that the snowsports sector makes in Scotland. The research covers the five mountain centres (Cairngorms Mountain Resort, Glencoe Mountain Resort, Glenshee Ski Centre, Nevis Range and The Lecht 2090) as well as the range of artificial slopes across the country.

The research includes various aspects, including visitor surveys at the mountain centres and artificial slopes. We are also interested to understand how the snowsports sector, and in particular the mountain centres, create wider benefit for other local businesses (e.g. tourism and hospitality) where the mountain centres are based. For example, bed and breakfasts and hotels might benefit from overnight stays from those taking part in snowsports and non-snowsport activities at the mountain centres nearby.

As such, we have put together a short online survey to capture feedback from local businesses on the impact (both positive and negative) that the mountain centres have on other businesses. The survey can be found at Snowsports - Business Online Survey

The deadline for responses is Friday 17 June 2022.

All responses will be treated in confidence. Reporting to the Scottish Government will be in aggregate form to protect the anonymity of respondents. A privacy notice can be viewed when you start the SNAP survey.

1. Is any of your business' turnover generated by the mountain centres in Scotland? For example, bed and breakfasts and hotels might benefit from overnight stays from those taking part in snowsports (e.g. skiing) and/or non-snowsports (e.g. mountain biking) activities at the mountain centres nearby. Please tick one.

  • Yes (Route to Q2.)
  • No (Route to end)

If "No" – This survey is aimed at businesses that generate any turnover linked to the mountain centre(s) in Scotland. Thank you for your time and interest in this survey.

About your business

2. What is the name of your business?

3. What is the nature of your business (e.g. hotel)?

4. In which local authority is your business based?

5. How many employees does your business have? Tick one.

  • Micro (less than 10)
  • Small (10–49)
  • Medium (50-249)
  • Large (250+)

6. How many of the following members of staff does your business have?

  • Part-time
  • Full-time
  • Seasonal or temporary
  • Total

7. What proportion of your staff are from the local authority in which the business is based? An estimate will do. Tick one.

  • 0%
  • Between 1 and 9%
  • Between 10% and 25%
  • Between 26% and 50%
  • Between 51% and 75%
  • Between 76% and 99%
  • 100%

Extent of business reliance on the snowsports sector

8. Which of the following mountain centres in Scotland does your business rely on for some of its turnover? Please tick all that apply

  • Cairngorms Mountain Resort
  • Glencoe Mountain Resort
  • Glenshee Ski Centre
  • Nevis Range
  • The Lecht 2090

9. In a typical year, what proportion of your business' turnover is generated by the mountain centres in Scotland – through snowsports and/or non-snowsports activities?

Please tick one

  • 0%
  • Between 1% and 5%
  • Between 5% and 9%
  • Between 10% and 20%
  • Between 21% and 30%
  • Between 31% and 40%
  • Between 41% and 50%
  • Between 51% and 60%
  • Between 61% and 70%
  • Between 71% and 80%
  • Between 81% and 90%
  • Between 91% and 100%

10. In a typical year, what is your business's annual turnover?

11. Before COVID-19, was the importance of the mountain centres in Scotland to your business changing? Please tick one.

  • It had become more important
  • No change in importance
  • It had become less important
  • Why do you say this?

12. How important or not important would you say the mountain centres in Scotland is currently to your business as a source of income generation? Please tick one.

  • Very important
  • Important
  • Neither important nor not important
  • Not that important
  • Not at all important
  • Why do you say this?

13. When does your business generate income from the mountain centre(s) you selected above at Question 8? Please tick one.

  • All year round
  • Winter season only

14. What impact (both positive and negative), if any, do the mountain centres have on the local communities in which they are based? Think about the mountain centre(s) which your business relies on for some of its turnover.

  • Positive (e.g. brings more people to the area):
  • Negative (e.g. environmental costs/impacts, disturbance to wildlife):

15. Do you agree or disagree that the snowsports sector in Scotland generates each of the following benefits/impacts? Again, think about the mountain centre(s) which your business relies on for some of its turnover.

Strongly agree / Agree / Neither agree nor disagree / Disagree / Strongly disagree

  • Creates and supports employment in the local area
  • Increases footfall for local businesses/area
  • Encourages snowsports participants to visit/experience nearby places/attractions (e.g. discover new places or things to do nearby)
  • Attracts non-snowsports visitors to the area in the summer months
  • Supports the local tourism and visitor economy
  • Helps to improve and maintain physical health and fitness of snowsports participants
  • Helps to maintain and improve mental health and wellbeing of snowsports participants (e.g. to relax, to unwind, to ease any worry, stress, tension or anxiety
  • Provides opportunities for snowsports participants to be closer to nature (e.g. to enjoy scenery and wildlife, to have access to nature)
  • Other (please specify)

16. How important would you say the mountain centres in Scotland will be to your business as a source of income generation over the medium-term (i.e. next five years)? Please tick one.

  • Very important
  • Important
  • Neither important nor not important
  • Not that important
  • Not at all important
  • Why do you say this?

17. Which of the following options do you think are the most viable opportunities for mountain centres to improve and/or diversify their offer? Tick all that apply

  • Replace ageing uplift
  • Greater snowmaking capacity
  • Diversify income streams
  • Improve resort food and beverage offering
  • Improve car parking
  • Offer year-round passes for accessing the grounds
  • Allow gondola rides in summer for hiking
  • Provide educational tours
  • Build new infrastructure for year-round activities (e.g. mountain-biking, high wire)
  • An increased focus on biodiversity
  • A shift towards to low carbon/renewable energy sources
  • Other (please specify)

Final comments

18. Do you have any final comments you would like to feed into the research?



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