
Edinburgh Declaration on post-2020 global biodiversity framework

Setting out the aspirations and commitments of the Scottish Government, Edinburgh Process partners, and the wider subnational constituency of the Convention on Biological Diversity, in delivering for nature over the coming decade.

How to sign

We very much welcome the participation of subnational governments, cities and local authorities from across the globe in signing up to this Edinburgh Declaration; thereby signalling their commitment to deliver transformative actions in order to achieve the aims and ambitions set out in the post-2020 global biodiversity framework.  

In addition, recognising the role of, e.g. non-governmental and business organisations, in taking forward local level actions for nature, we welcome the additional support of such organisations for the principles set out in the Edinburgh Declaration.  

It is Parties to the Convention who are responsible for delivering upon the global targets as set out in the post-2020 framework. In order to achieve truly transformational change for nature, all levels of government and society must work more effectively together over the next decade, therefore we greatly welcome the support of any State Party to the Convention who would wish to recognise – though the Edinburgh Declaration - the role of the subnational constituency within the post-2020 global biodiversity framework.  

All potential signatories will be subject to a short vetting process to authenticate their representation, and to ensure allocation to the correct category:

i) Subnational, city, local authority signatory – e.g. Minister, governor, mayor, head of department, head of cities network, etc..
ii) State Party supporter – e.g. Minister, head of department, etc., within a supportive state government. 
iii) Additional Supporter – e.g. non-governmental or business organisation.

Potential signatories should submit their application to;, with the subject line ED Signature.  

In order to facilitate the vetting process, where possible please use an organisational/ official email address (i.e. not a personal email address).  Please state: 

  • name
  • organisation
  • position within the organisation
  • level of representation (e.g. subnational, regional, city, local authority)
  • country
  • signatory category applied to, i.e. (i) - (iii) above 


Name Frederica Gonzales
Official email address
Position within organisation Head of Environment and Nature Division of Council
Organisation Council of Madrid
Level representation City
Country Spain
Signatory category Subnational, city, local authority signatory

In the case of signing on behalf of a representative or official, applications should also include documented evidence of that delegated authority attached to the email submission, e.g. this could be a scanned copy of a headed letter, with signature of the representative or official. 


Edinburgh Process Secretariat - email:

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