
Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) Statistics: privacy notice

Education Analytical Services: Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) Statistics


As part of the Scottish Government’s commitment to promote access to high quality funded Early Learning and Childcare (ELC)[1] it needs to collect and use information about children and staff in ELC settings providing the funded entitlement. For example, information on the number of graduate level staff working in settings providing funded ELC.

The data collection for ELC statistics (the ELC census) is conducted by the Scottish Government (Educational Analytical Division, Children & Families, Victoria Quay, Edinburgh, EH6 6QQ).

This privacy notice explains what information we collect, why we need this information, how we use it and what we do to protect the information supplied to us. The information collected on children receiving funded ELC is all aggregated data and so this privacy notice focuses on the data collected on staff as that is collected at individual level.

[1]  Funded ELC refers to early learning and childcare that education authorities have a duty to provide under the Education (Scotland) Act 1980 and the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014.


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