ELC Transformation Project: privacy notice

Education Analytical Services: Privacy Notice on ELC Transformation Project

Why we need your data

In order to make the best decisions about how to improve our ELC service, Scottish Government, education authorities and other partners such as nurseries, need accurate, up-to-date data about children accessing funded ELC. We are keen to help all children accessing funded ELC to achieve the best possible support and experience. Accurate and up-to-date data allows us to:

  • Better understand how ELC is utilised by families, for example, by looking at the pattern of provision adopted throughout the year;
  • Improve the availability, accuracy and content coverage of data to inform future resource and workforce planning;
  • Improve the analysis possible to provide recommendations and changes to  funded provision available to improve the lives of young people in Scotland and reduce inequalities.
  • Improve the data collection methodology and make it more efficient, and reduce duplications of data collections.

The individual data about children in ELC collected by the Scottish Government through the census and the data trials are used only for statistical and research purposes, such as those covered above. Data will not be used for marketing purposes or to identify individuals, nor will it be shared outside the EU.



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