
Longitudinal Educational Outcomes: privacy notice

Education Analytical Services: Privacy Notice on Longitudinal Educational Outcomes


Information we obtain and hold about people educated in further and higher educational institutions and those undertaking training

Privacy Notice

The Scottish Government’s Education Analytical Services, which is part of the Scottish Government’s Learning Directorate, has legal powers to request data with regards to people educated in further and higher educational institutions and in training, and from other public bodies (such as the Scottish Funding Council, Higher Education Statistics Agency, Skills Development Scotland).

The Small Business, Employment and Enterprise Act 2015 enabled government, for the first time, to link education and training data, to benefits and tax data to chart the transition of leavers from further/higher education and training into the workplace. One of the advantages of linking data from existing administrative sources is that it provides a unique insight into the destinations of leavers without imposing any additional data collection burdens on universities, colleges, training providers, employers or members of the public. Compared to existing sources of  learning outcomes data, it is also based on a considerably larger sample, does not rely on survey methodology, and can track outcomes across time to a greater extent than was previously possible.

This privacy notice explains how your personal data is used in the Longitudinal Educational Outcomes (LEO) study.


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