
Longitudinal Educational Outcomes: privacy notice

Education Analytical Services: Privacy Notice on Longitudinal Educational Outcomes

Data we link

The Small Business, Employment and Enterprise Act 2015 and sections 87 - 91 of the Education and Skills Act 2008 lawfully allow us to link education and tax data to chart the transition of learners from education into the workplace. These legal powers only allow this information to be used to make decisions about education and training policy from summary information, for example, the average income students have achieved after taking a course. For more information about the legislation that allows this sharing, see section 78 of the Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act 2015 and sections 87 -91 of the Education and Skills Act 2008.

The individual data about students who have studied in Scotland, or have undertaken a Modern Apprenticeship in Scotland, and which are included as part of the LEO Study is governed by the Scottish Government’s Education Analytical Services. The LEO Study is for statistical and research purposes only.

 We link information about students, such as:

• Personal characteristics including gender and ethnic group,

• Courses taken and qualifications achieved,

• Any benefits claimed,

• Employment and income

We only link the information relating to students who completed their education in 1995 or after, which is the earliest available education information.



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