
Longitudinal Educational Outcomes: privacy notice

Education Analytical Services: Privacy Notice on Longitudinal Educational Outcomes

Why we need your data

The Longitudinal Education Outcomes (LEO) study involves five government departments working together and acting as joint data controllers:

• The Department for Education

• The Education and Skills Department for Wales

• The Department for Work and Pensions

• Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs

• The Scottish Government

The study uses education, employment and benefits data which is already held by the above government departments.

The data is used to compare students’ levels of education and training to their levels of employment and earnings in later life. To do this, we link personal information relating to their education, training,  employment and benefit claims in order to:

• Enable comparisons of outcomes across the education and training system

• Provide statistical information to support education and career decisions,

• Evaluate and monitor the impact of education or training on outcomes, and

• Support government decision making which improve services


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