
Education governance – next steps

Scottish Government’s vision for education and the reforms we will take forward following the review of education governance.


1. Scottish Government (2016a) Achievement of Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) Level.

2. SQA (2016) Attainment Statistics (August).

3. Scottish Government (2016b) Summary statistics for attainment, leaver destinations and healthy living, No.6: 2016 Edition.

4. Scottish Government (2017a) Initial Destinations of Senior Phase School Leavers.

5. Eurostat Data, Population by Educational Attainment Level (2016)

6. Scottish Government (2015) Programme for International Student Assessment ( PISA) 2015: Highlights from Scotland's Results

7. Ruddick, J and Flutter, J (2004) How to Improve your School: Giving Pupils a Voice, Journal of In-service Education, Continuum Press

8. OECD (2012) Parental Involvement in Selected PISA Countries and Economies, OECD Publishing Paris

9. OECD (2017a) PISA 2015 Results (Volume III) Students' Well-being, PISA, OECD Publishing Paris

10. Bradshaw, P, Hall, J, Hill, T, Mabelis, J, and Philo, D (2012) Growing Up in Scotland: Early experiences of primary school, Scottish Government, Edinburgh

11. National Parent Forum of Scotland (2017) Review of the Scottish Schools Parental Involvement Act 2006

12. Harris and Goodall (2007) Engaging Parents in Raising Achievement Do Parents Know They Matter? Educational Research

13. Sosu, Edward and Ellis, Sue (2014) Closing the attainment gap in Scottish Education, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, York

14. OECD (2011) PISA in Focus (2011/9) School autonomy and accountability: Are they related to student performance?

15. Sammons, P (2007) School Effectiveness and Equity: Making Connections, CfBT Education Trust, Reading

16. Donaldson, G (2011) Teaching Scotland's Future, Scottish Government, Edinburgh

17. Day et al (2011) Successful school leadership: linking with learning and achievement: Linking with Learning ( UK Higher Education OUP Humanities & Social Sciences Education OUP).

18. OECD (2008) Improving School Leadership, OECD Publishing, Paris

19. Scottish Government (2017b) Education Governance. Empowering teachers, parents and communities to achieve excellence and equity in education. An analysis of consultation responses, Scottish Government, Edinburgh

20. Mourshed, M, Chijioke, C and Barber, M (2010) How the world's most improved school systems keep getting better, McKinsey & Company, London

21. Scottish Government (2016c) Delivering Excellence and Equity in Scottish Education: A Delivery Plan for Scotland

22. Muijs, D (2010). In C Raffo, A Dyson, H Gunter, D Hall, L Jones, & A Kalambouka (Eds.), Education and Poverty in Affluent Countries. Abingdon, GB: Routledge

23. Scottish Government (2016d) Fairer Scotland Action Plan

24. Scottish Government (2017b) op.cit

25. OECD (2015a) Improving Schools in Scotland: An OECD Perspective, OECD Publishing, Paris

26. The Association of Directors of Education in Scotland ( ADES) (2017) Towards a Learning System

27. OECD (2015a) op.cit.

28. National Parent Forum of Scotland (2017) op.cit.


30. Scottish Government (2016a) op.cit

31. Scottish Qualifications Authority. (2016) op.cit

32. Scottish Government (2016b) op.cit

33. Parentzone Scotland.

34. Eurostat Data, Population by Educational Attainment Level (2016)

35. OECD (2015a) op.cit.

36. Scottish Government (2015a) Programme for International Student Assessment ( PISA) 2015: Highlights from Scotland's Results

37. Scottish Government (2016e), Scottish Survey of Literacy and Numeracy 2015 (Numeracy)

38. Scottish Government (2017c) Scottish Survey of Literacy and Numeracy 2016 (Literacy)

39. Education Scotland (2017) Quality Improvement in Scottish Education

40. The Accounts Commission (2014) School Education

41. Andreas Schleicher, A & Stewart, V (2008) Learning from World-Class Schools, Educational Leadership, ASCD, Alexandria,

42. Mourshed, M, Chijioke, C & Barber, M (2010) op.cit.

43. OECD (2015a) op.cit.

44. Scottish Government (2017b) op.cit

45. OECD (2015a) op.cit.

46. National Parent Forum of Scotland (2017) op.cit.

47. Scottish Government (2015b) Evaluation of the Impact of the Implementation of Teaching Scotland's Future

48. Skills Development Scotland (2017) Skills Investment Plan: Prospectus for Scotland's Early Learning and Childcare Sector

49. OECD (2017a) op. cit.

50. Esptein, J (1995) School Family Community Partnerships: Caring for the Children We Share, Phi Delta Kappan, Vol 76, No. 9, p. 701-712

51. OECD (2017a) op.cit.

52. Bradshaw, P, Hall, J, Hill, T, Mabelis, J, and Philo, D (2012) op. cit.

53. Bradshaw, P; King, T; Knudsen, L; Law, J & Sharp, C (2016) Language development and enjoyment of reading: impacts of early parent-child activities in two Growing Up in Scotland cohorts Edinburgh, Scottish Government

54. Scottish Government (2017b) op.cit

55. Burns, T and F. Koster (eds) (2016) Governing Education in a Complex World, Educational Research and Innovation, OECD Publishing, Paris

56. Scottish Government (2017b) op.cit

57. OECD (2015a) op.cit.

58. Education and Skills Committee (2017) 2nd Report, 2017 (Session 5): Performance and Role of Key Education and Skills Bodies

59. Ainscow, M (2015) Towards Self-improving School Systems, (Routledge),

60. Scottish Government (2017b) op.cit

61. Scottish Government (2017d, forthcoming) Report of the Initial Findings of the International Council of Education Advisers - June 2017, Scottish Government, Edinburgh

62. IPPR (2017) Autonomy in the Right Place: School Governance Reform in Scotland

63. Chapman, C. Lowden, K. Chestnutt, H. Hall, S. McKinney, S. and Friel, N. (2015) School Improvement Partnership Programme in Scotland

64. Chapman, C, Chestnutt, H, Friel, N, Hall, S, and Lowden, K (2016) Professional capital and collaborative inquiry networks for educational equity and improvement? Journal of Professional Capital and Community, 1(3), pp. 178-197.

65. The Accounts Commission (2014) op.cit.

66. Education Scotland (2016) Review of local authorities' actions to tackle unnecessary bureaucracy and undue workload in schools

67. Wiliam, D (2009). Assessment for learning: why, what and how? London: Institute of Education, University of London.

68. OECD (2017b) Empowering and Enabling Teachers to Improve Equity and Outcomes for All, Fig 1.6

69. Fullan, M and Quinn, J (2016) Coherence: The right drivers in action for schools, districts and systems, CA: Corwin/London: Sage.

70. Scottish Government (2017b) op.cit

71. Scottish Government (2017d) op.cit

72. OECD (2008) op.cit.

73. Chapman, C, and Muijs, D (2013) Collaborative school turnaround: a study of the impact of school federations on student outcomes. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 12 (3). pp. 200-226. ISSN 1570-0763.

74. Scottish Government (2017e) Excite.ED: How to Deliver Excellence and Equity in Scottish Education, Scottish Government, Edinburgh.

75. OECD (2017a) op.cit.

76. OECD (2016) Governing Education in a Complex World

77. Scottish Government (2017b) op.cit

78. National Parent Forum for Scotland (2017) op.cit.

79. OECD (2017a) op.cit.

80. National Parent Forum of Scotland (2017) op.cit.

81. Cummings, C, Dyson, A and Todd, L (2011) Beyond the School Gates, Can Full Service and Extended Schools Overcome Disadvantage? Routledge,

82. Henig, J R, Riehl, C J, Rebell, M A, & Wolff, J R (2015). Putting collective impact in context: A review of the literature on local cross-sector collaboration to improve education. New York, NY: Teachers College, Columbia University, Department of Education Policy and Social Analysis

83. OECD (2015a) op.cit.

84. Fullan, M and Munby, S (2016) Inside-out and downside-up: How leading from the middle has the power to transform education systems Education Development Trust

85. Chapman, C. Lowden, K. Chestnutt, H. Hall, S. McKinney, S. and Friel, N. (2015) op.cit.

86. Fullan, M Rincón-Gallardo, S and Hargreaves, A (2015) Professional Capital as Accountability; Education policy analysis archives, volume 23 number 15;

87. Scottish Government (2017b) op.cit

88. Scottish Government (2017f) A research strategy for Scottish Education

89. Scottish Government (2017b) op.cit

90. Scottish Government (2017b) op.cit

91. Scottish Government (2006) A Teaching Profession for the 21st Century: Agreement reached following recommendations made in the McCrone Report.

92. OECD, (2012) Equity and Quality in Education: Supporting Disadvantaged Students and Schools.

93. The Accounts Commission (2014) op.cit.

94. Gibbons, S and McNally, S (2013) The Effects of Resources Across School Phases: A Summary of Recent Evidence, Centre for Economic Performance Discussion Paper No. 1226.


Email: Stephanie Gray

Phone: 0300 244 4000 – Central Enquiry Unit

The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road

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