Education Leadership and Professional Learning Subgroup - minutes: August 2021

Minutes of the group's meeting on 20 August 2021.

Attendees and apologies


  • Samir Sharma, Quality Improvement Officer, Glasgow City Council
  • Khadija Mohammed, Scottish Association of Minority Ethnic Educators (SAMEE)
  • Carol Young, Coalition for Racial Equality and Rights (CRER)
  • Mélina Valdelièvre, Education Scotland
  • Lesley Whelan, Education Scotland


  • Pauline Stephen, General Teaching Council (Scotland)
  • Murid Laly, Intercultural Youth Scotland (IYS)
  • Amy Allard-Dunbar, Intercultural Youth Scotland (IYS)
  • David Smith, ITE (University of Aberdeen), Scottish Council of Deans of Education

Items and actions

Note of the last meeting

The group agreed that this was an accurate note of the meeting.

Group membership

The group had a discussion on group membership and chairing/vice chairing of the group. It was agreed that an increase in membership of the group would be helpful and Mélina and Lesley undertook to contact relevant individuals and organisations to encourage membership. It was also agreed that we should emphasise that having substitutes attend in place of the main workstream member would be helpful.

The group agreed to leave the discussion on chairing until there was a larger group in place.

What does success look like

Members discussed the overarching draft outcomes and agreed they were generally happy to progress with these but would potentially need to be reshaped depending on discussions across the other workstreams. There is also a need to be mindful of the broader outcomes for the Board as a whole which may influence the work of this workstream.

The group agreed that it would also be helpful to consider mapping existing professional learning opportunities and how we can encourage broader engagement with these resources and to create greater momentum around this work.

Initial options for professional learning provision

The group agreed that a professional learning offer focused on Building Racial Literacy would be an important first step and this will be discussed in more detail at the next meeting.

Contributing to and linking with other workstreams

Mélina Valdelièvre has a key role in linking with and making connections across the three other workstreams. This will support the work and focus of the School Leadership and Professional Learning workstream ensuring that we can build on the discussions and developments across the full Board.

A summary of workstream actions will be shared at each meeting of this group.

Any other business

There was no other business. 

Future meetings

The group agreed to extend the meetings to 90 minutes and will meet again on:

  • 7 September
  • 5 October
  • 2 November 
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