Education Leadership and Professional Learning Subgroup - minutes: May 2021

Minutes of the group's meeting on 17 May 2021.

Items and actions

Brief note of meeting

Initial meeting of the sub-group took place on Monday 17 May with membership agreed as:

  • Samir Sharma, Quality Improvement Officer, Glasgow City Council
  • Khadija Mohammed, Scottish Association of Minority Ethnic Educators (SAMEE)
  • Carol Young, Coalition for Racial Equality and Rights (CRER)
  • David Smith, ITE (University of Aberdeen, Scottish Council of Deans of Education
  • Pauline Stephen, General Teaching Council (Scotland)
  • Mélina Valdelièvre (starting with ES on 1 June and already part of the SNG), Education Scotland
  • Lesley Whelan, Education Scotland

Group members:

  • agreed to meet monthly two weeks in advance of each SNG meeting
  • agreed the focus for the next meeting would be to aim to develop a sense of short, medium and long term objectives linking in with existing objectives across SG
  • would like to see a collation/diagram of work in this area already agreed that may inform actions of this group – keen to identify deliverables that edge us towards a change in culture
  • would want to contribute to a logic model/outcomes for the whole Board/SNG to work towards and support a wider vision of the culture we want to see and then to identify specific actions. A vision describing what we are aiming to achieve in 5 years’ time is important to ensure sustainability and coherence. Agreement on broad outcomes that can then be contextualised for local areas. Key aspects are coherence and sustainability
  • agreed that communication with RICs/LAs will be important – communication to inform that this work is underway and also to identify what is in place already across the system eg the work in Glasgow. This also links to issues of ownership and structure – this shouldn’t be a top down model
  • are keen to make connections with ITE given the important role of providers and the programmes
  • are keen to look at work of key stakeholders and community partners including parent councils to consider accountability measures
  • agreed that it will be important to make interconnections across all four areas of work
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