
Education Maintenance Allowances: 2021-22

Statistics on Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) recipients and payments made in 2021-2022.

Education Maintenance Allowances 2021-22

The Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) provides financial support for young people aged 16 to 19 years from low-income households to overcome financial barriers to participate in school or college courses, or in a Learning Agreement.

The programme aims to increase participation and retention in post-compulsory education.

A graphic demonstrates a key finding from the release. Around 14% of all Scottish 16-18 year old's received EMA in 2021-22.
A graphic demonstrates a key finding from the release. 23,905 students received EMA payments in 2021-22.
A graphic demonstrates a key finding from the release. Most payments go to either 16 or 17 year old's.
A graphic demonstrates a key finding from the release. 51% of recipients are female; who receive £776 on average. 49% of recipients are male; who receive £778 on average.
A graphic demonstrates a key finding from the release. Total payments were £18.6 million in 2021-22, down from £22.1 million in 2020-21.
A graphic demonstrates a key finding from the release. 39% of recipients come from the 20% most deprived areas.



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