
Education outcomes for looked after children: 2014-2015

This publication links school and social work data to present information on the attainment, post-school destinations of looked after young people who leave school, and the school attendance and exclusion rates of all looked after children.

Annex A: List of additional tables

The data underlying the illustrations, expanded versions of the tables and additional data tables are available here:


Illustration 1 Main findings 2014/15

Educational attainment

Chart 1 Age of school leavers and looked after school leavers, 2014/15

Table 1.1 Percentage of all school leavers and looked after school leavers by level of attainment, 2014/15

Chart 2 Highest level of attainment of looked after leavers and all school leavers, 2009/10 to 2014/15

Table 1.2 Attainment of looked after school leavers with one placement for the year, by the accommodation type of that placement 2014/15

Table 1.3 Proportion of looked after school leavers achieving qualifications by number of looked after placements in 2014/15

Additional data on Educational attainment

Table 1.4 Level of attainment of looked after leavers by local authority, 2014/15

Post-school destinations

Chart 3 Looked after children in positive destinations nine months after leaving school, 2009/10 to 2014/15

Table 2.1 Positive initial destinations (3 months after leaving school) among looked after leavers and all school leavers, 2009/10 to 2014/15

Table 2.2 Positive follow-up destinations (9 months after leaving school) among looked after leavers and all school leavers, 2009/10 to 2014/15

Additional data on Post-school destinations

Table 2.3 Positive initial and follow-up destinations among looked after school leavers with one placement, by placement type, 2014/15

Table 2.4 Positive initial and follow-up destinations among looked after school leavers by local authority, 2014/15


Table 3.1 Percentage attendance of all pupils and looked after young people by stage and gender, 2009/10 to 2014/15

Chart 4 Percentage attendance of all pupils and looked after young people, 2009/10 to 2014/15

Table 3.2 Percentage attendance for looked after children, by accommodation type and gender, 2014/15

Table 3.3 Percentage attendance for looked after children, by number of placements and gender, 2014/15


Table 4.1 Cases of Exclusion rate per 1,000 pupils by all pupils, looked after children and stage, 2009/10 to 2014/15

Chart 5 Exclusion rate per 1,000 pupils by all pupils, looked after children, 2009/10 to 2014/15

Table 4.2 Number of different pupils excluded and exclusion rate per 1,000 pupils by all pupils, looked after children and sector, 2014/15

Table 4.3 Cases of exclusions for looked after children, by accommodation type, 2014/15

Table 4.4 Cases of exclusions for looked after children, by number of placements, 2014/15

Outcomes for young people looked after for part of the year

Table 5.1 Percentage of all school leavers looked after for part of the year achieving different levels of attainment, 2009/10 to 2014/15

Table 5.2 Percentage of school leavers who were looked after for part of the year by follow up destination, for all school leavers and those who were looked after children, 2009/10 to 2014/15

Table 5.3 Percentage attendance of young people looked after for part of the year by stage and gender, 2009/10 to 2014/15

Table 5.4 Cases of Exclusion rate per 1,000 pupils by children looked after for part of the year and stage, 2009/10 to 2014/15

Background notes

Illustration 3 Looked after school leavers - proportion looked after for full year and part of year

Table 6.1 Scottish Candidate Numbers ( SCNs) provided and imputed from previous years' data, by local authority, 2014/15


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