
Looked after children: education outcomes 2015-2016

Report on the attainment and post-school destinations of looked after children.

Post-school destinations

Person Graphic Looked after school leavers are less likely to go in to positive destinations, especially higher education
Downward Pointing Arrow Graphic Around a quarter of those looked after leavers who enter further education do not sustain this destination after nine months

This section presents data on the destinations of the 468 young people who were looked after from 1 August 2015 to 31 July 2016 and who left school during 2015/16. Information on young people's 'destinations' (such as employment or further education) is collected three and nine months after they leave school. A young person is said to be in a positive destination if they are in education, employment, training, voluntary work or an Activity Agreement 1. For more information on school leaver destination categories, see background note 4.8. The data underlying the illustrations are available here:

Initial and follow-up destinations

Chart 3: Looked after children in positive destinations nine months after leaving school, 2009/10 to 2015/16

Chart 3: Looked after children in positive destinations nine months after leaving school, 2009/10 to 2015/16

A lower proportion of looked after children enter positive destinations than all school leavers, but this gap has narrowed since 2009/10, although progress has slowed in recent years. The lower proportion of looked after children going into positive destinations is likely to be related to looked after young people leaving school at younger ages.

Table 2.1: Positive initial destinations (three months after leaving school) among looked after leavers and all school leavers, 2012/13 to 2015/16

2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 Total number 2015/16
Looked after school leavers
Higher Education 4 6 4 5 23
Further Education 37 43 36 41 194
Other positive destination 36 30 37 31 147
% in a positive destination 78 78 77 78 364
All school leavers
Higher Education 37 39 39 40 21,079
Further Education 28 26 28 27 13,917
Other positive destination 27 27 27 26 13,809
% in a positive destination 92 92 93 93 48,805

More than three-quarters (78%) of children looked after for a full year who left school during or at the end of 2015/16 were in a positive destination three months after leaving school, compared with nine in ten (93%) of all 2015/16 school leavers (Table 2.1). Among looked after young people, 46% were either in Higher or Further Education, compared to two-thirds of all leavers (67%). The lower proportion of looked after young people entering higher education can largely be explained by leaving school earlier and consequent lower levels of qualifications.

The positive destination is more likely to be sustained after nine months for all school leavers rather than for looked after leavers. By the time of the follow-up in March, seven in ten (71%, down from 78%) looked after children who were looked after for the year from August 2015 to July 2016 and left school in that period were in a positive destination, compared with nine in ten (91%) of all 2015/16 school leavers. The rate of positive destinations among looked after children at the time of the follow-up has improved greatly over the period of measurement, from 40% in 2009/10 to 71% in 2015/16. This increase is predominantly due to increases in looked after school leavers entering employment (from 7% in 2009/10 to 19% in 2015/16) and further education (from 22% in 2009/10 to 32% in 2015/16). The overall reduction is also present for all school leavers, but to a lesser extent (93% in positive destinations initially down to 91% at follow up).

There is a consistently large fall in the proportion of looked after young people sustaining a place in further education. It is not clear why this occurs, but it may highlight a need for extra support for this group to continue their education.

Table 2.2: Positive follow-up destinations (nine months after leaving school) among looked after leavers and all school leavers, 2012/13 to 2015/16

2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 Total number 2015/16
Looked after school leavers
Higher Education 4 5 4 3 16
Further Education 31 36 26 32 149
Other positive destination 34 31 39 36 167
% in a positive destination 69 72 69 71 332
All school leavers
Higher Education 37 38 37 37 19,434
Further Education 24 24 23 22 11,661
Other positive destination 29 29 32 32 16,543
% in a positive destination 90 92 92 91 47,638

Table 2.3 shows the percentage of looked after school leavers in positive destinations three and nine months after leaving school. There is a decrease in proportions in positive destinations in all groups except for those children in voluntary homes. The largest decreases are seen in those young people looked after at home.

Table 2.3: Percentage of positive initial and follow-up destinations among looked after school leavers with one placement, 2015/16 (1),(2)

Single Type of Accommodation In a positive destination after three months In a positive destination after nine months Total number after nine months
In the community
At home with parents 58 45 66
With friends/relatives 88 80 90
With foster carers provided by LA 96 88 110
With foster carers purchased by LA 87 83 47
In other community (1) - - 0
Residential Accommodation
In local authority home 62 62 14
In voluntary home 70 80 10
In other residential (2) 79 71 14
More than one placement 63 58 100
Total looked after children 78 71 466

(1) Includes 'with prospective adopters'.
(2) Includes 'in residential school, 'in secure care accommodation' and 'crisis care'.

Cross- UK comparisons

The improvements seen in the proportion of looked after children in Scotland moving into positive destinations after leaving school since 2009/10 mirrors the general trend across the UK overall. Because of differences in the education systems and leaving between Scotland and the rest of the UK (and in the ages at which young people leave school) it is not possible to directly compare post school destinations of looked after children. See background note 5.3 for further information.


Email: Ian Volante

Phone: 0300 244 4000 – Central Enquiry Unit

The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road

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