Education Reform Inspectorate and Agency Delivery Board minutes: December 2022

Minutes from the meeting of the group on 19 December 2022.

Attendees and apologies


  • Gillian Hamilton (Chair)
  • Kerrie Laird
  • Sean Stronach
  • Greg Dempster
  • Tracy Reilly
  • Janie McManus
  • Magnus Hughson
  • Maureen Hamilton
  • Harold Hislop
  • Andrea Bradley
  • Lesley Whelan
  • Ken McAra
  • Laurence Findlay
  • Les Byle (PMO)


  • Frances Douglas
  • Kerrie Laird
  • Patricia Watson

Items and actions

Welcome and apologies 

GH opened the meeting and extended a warm welcome to attendees. Apologies were noted as above. It was noted that the purpose of this meeting was to provide an update on feedback from the Strategic Programme Board.  

Minutes and actions from 14 November 2022 Delivery Board meeting

The minute of 14th November 2022 was agreed as accurate. No edits required.

Update from Strategic Programme Board

It was noted that the two project teams had provided the Strategic Programme Board (SPB) with an overview of the proposed draft Target Operating Models (TOMs) for the new education agency and new inspectorate. The overview included the methodology used to develop the draft TOMs, as well as a review of the “As Is” functions for the current work.  

Delivery Board members noted the constructive feedback from SPB that would help to inform next steps in the development of the final draft TOMs and ultimately in the final role and remit of both new organisations.  

Both project teams thanked Delivery Board members for their support and advice in the run up to the SPB meeting.

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