
Education Reform Inspectorate and Agency Delivery Board minutes: March 2023

Minutes from the meeting of the group on 16 March 2023.

Attendees and apologies

Attendees and apologies


  • Gillian Hamilton (Chair)
  • Magnus Hughson
  • Greg Dempster
  • Janie McManus
  • Frances Douglas
  • Kerrie Laird
  • Maureen Hamilton
  • Harold Hislop
  • Patricia Watson
  • Alona Murray
  • Andrea Bradley
  • Ann Cura (secretariat)


  • Laurence Findlay
  • Ken McAra

Items and actions

Welcome and apologies

GH opened the meeting and extended a warm welcome to attendees. Apologies were noted as above. GH welcomed Alona Murray to the meeting who is attending on behalf of Ken McAra.

Minutes and actions from 9th February 2023 Delivery Board meeting

The Chair invited the group to approve the notes from the previous meeting. It was agreed that further amendments should be made to the note before it is approved.

Action:  PMO to incorporate feedback from members and circulate to the group for approval.

Action log

There was a discussion regarding the action log. A number of actions were updated or closed following this discussion.

Action:  PMO to update the actions log.

Risk register and issues log

An update was provided regarding the risk register and issues log.  The proposed changes outlined in the risk cover paper were approved.

Action:  PMO to update the risk register and issue log to reflect the approved changes.

Chair’s update

The Chair thanked Delivery Board members for their feedback on the Target Operating Models at the Twilight Sessions held in March.

It was highlighted that a Service Designer has been assigned to each project team to support the work going forward.

It was noted that the thematic projects are now established. As a result, ES teams have refocused the work of the project teams to ensure alignment with this work.  

An update was provided regarding the staffing business case. It was noted that verbal approval has been given for the current teams, however, approval is required for the additional posts requested.

An integrated programme planning session for all the Education Reform Teams and SG is arranged on Monday 27th March 2023. The Project Teams and SG will work through the timeline to ensure the teams are clear about their roles and responsibilities. Delivery Directors have been invited to join the meeting in the afternoon.

It was noted that the Education Reform Programme Board will be updated regarding the Roles and Responsibilities Thematic on 18th April.

New education agency update

Members were invited to review the highlight report.

Appreciation was expressed to the Delivery Board members for attending twilight sessions to discuss the Target Operating Model in more detail. The team greatly appreciated the positive feedback regarding the document.  Members were invited to review the note from the twilight sessions for accuracy.

It was noted that a Service Designer has been assigned to work as part of the New National Agency Team. The Service Designer has arranged a number of sessions with the team to work towards the resubmission of the Target Operating Model.

It was highlighted that the team will link closely with the thematic work.

New inspectorate body update

Members were invited to review the highlight report.

It was highlighted that significant changes have been made to the Inspectorate Target Operating Model since the last meeting. Members requested to see the updated TOM prior to the meetings asking them to provide feedback.

It was noted that a Service Designer has been assigned to work as part of the New Inspectorate Team.

Delivery Board members were invited to provide feedback on the New Inspectorate - Legislative Intent Summary paper. The following points were discussed:

It should be clear who the key user is in the document.

Clarity is required regarding the publication of inspection reports. Whether reports should always be published as soon as practicable or if they might only be published after any follow-though visit, as part of a formative process.

The report should clearly identify the independence of the new Inspectorate Body.

The overall governance of the new body should be strengthened and ensure that the teacher voice is heard.  The empowerment work should be reflected in the governance of the new organisation.

The language regarding inspection needs to be well constructed e.g., what is it, what is it trying to achieve?

The frequency of the inspections should be determined by the new body to ensure decisions are made depending on need.

It is important that the paper includes information regarding the appeals process.

It was highlighted that it is important that stakeholder engagement is captured within this paper.

The Chair expressed thanks to members for their feedback.  Members were invited to contact Sean Stronach if they would like to discuss this paper in more detail.

Future of the Delivery Board

There was a discussion regarding the future of the current Delivery Board. It was noted that the time was right for the Delivery Boards to be split in two.  As a result of this,

Janie McManus will become the Delivery Director for the new inspectorate and will chair the New Inspectorate Delivery Board. Patricia Watson will become the Delivery Director for the new agency and will chair the New Agency Delivery Board. As well as chairing the Delivery Boards, the new Delivery Directors will attend the Strategic Programme Board and the fortnightly meetings of the Delivery Directors.  They will also jointly chair the Staff Engagement Group. This will take effect from 1st April 2023.

The new Delivery Directors will ensure that membership of each of the boards is appropriate to provide the relevant assurance, support and challenge for their specific context.  Membership of the new Delivery Boards will therefore be determined by the new Delivery Directors, although existing board members would have the opportunity to continue on one of the boards, should they wish to do so.

It was agreed that PCS and FDA will confirm representation at the Delivery Board meetings with the Delivery Directors.

Action:  JM and PW to confirm membership for each Delivery Board.

Communications update

 An update was provided by the Head of Internal Communications. She thanked Delivery Board members for attending sessions at short notice to discuss the names of the new organisations. It was highlighted that external stakeholders and staff from ES had also been consulted regarding this. It was noted that a submission will be sent to the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills for a final decision regarding the names of the new agencies.

The Head of External Communications informed the group that the Education Reform website will now go live in April 2023.

Any other business

The Delivery Board members thanked Gillian Hamilton for her work as Chair on the Delivery Board and wished her well in her new role at Education Scotland.


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