Education Reform Policy and Legislation Delivery Board minutes: August 2022

Minutes from the meeting of the Board on 2 August 2022.

Attendees and apologies

  • Liza McLean (LMc)
  • Chris Graham (CG)
  • Robert Skey (RS)
  • Helen Webster (HW)
  • Adam Reid (AR)
  • Linda Pooley (LP)
  • Nico McKenzie-Juetten (NMc)
  • Laura Murdoch (LM)
  • Tracy Manning (TM)
  • Fiona Robertson (FR)
  • Lisa Bird (LB)
  • Neil Cardwell (NC)
  • Samantha Broadley (SB)


  • Sean Stronach
  • Eleanor Passmore
  • Alison Taylor
  • Tracy Kirk 


  • Chris Dunne (CD)
  • Gillian Winters (GW)

Items and actions

Summary of decisions and action points 

  • DB0208 D01  - The ToR were agreed and accepted by the board. 
  • DB0208 D02  - The Education Reform Programme Legislation Project Initiating Document (PID) was accepted by the board.
  • DB0208 AP01 – RS to bring the Target Operating Model (TOM) Toolkit to next Delivery Board 
  • DB0208 AP02 – GW to share details of all 3 delivery board members and bring the code of conduct to the next board meeting. 
  • DB0208 AP03 – CG to consider adding college sector to the Scope of the PID  
  • DB0208 AP04 – NC to ensure college sector is represented in the Communication and Engagement Strategy
  • DB0208 AP05 – CD to share Risk Management Strategy with the Delivery Board following Programme Board acceptance.
  • DB0208 AP06 – CD/ GW to set up workshop to assure any risks assigned to the Delivery Board  from the Programme Risk Register and identify any new risks emerging. 
  • DB0208 AP07 -  Any comments on the BTL PID Commission papers should be sent to LMc. 

Welcome and introductions 

LMc welcomed members to the first Policy & Legislation Delivery Board, thanking all joining the board and highlighted apologies. She added that this first meeting would focus on setting out the aims and purpose of the board, hoping it would allow opportunity for discussion. 

Commissioning models and governance 

RS outlined how the OECD and Muir reports had been the basis for the discovery and development phase of the Strategic Outline Case (SOC) (BTL paper 4). The Programme is now moving into the design and delivery phase, with the focus now on the policy development and the rationale behind the reform. A suite of themed commissions have been developed to take this work forward through the Delivery Boards. 
A Toolkit has been developed to support the design decisions of the Target Operating Models (TOM) in line with the 7 key principles set out in the Muir report. 

Action – RS to bring the TOM Toolkit to next Delivery Board 
Owner –Robert Skey
Deadline – 1 September 2022

The TOM will set out the broad functions of each of the new bodies but there will also be a suite of more detailed projects within each of the workstreams. 

Governance arrangements are detailed on page 6 or the SOC.

LMc added that there are no hierarchies between the delivery boards but the work of the Policy and Legislation commission will overarch the other workstreams and we will need to allow space for the other boards to feed into our group. 

FR asked what the relationships between the other boards are in terms of sharing information and if there was ADES representation on each of these other boards. 

LMc added that we will share details of all the board members once finalised and that a code of conduct for board members was in development and would be brought to the next board in September. 

Action – GW to share details of all 3 delivery board members and bring the code of conduct to the next board meeting. 
Owner – Gill Winters 
Deadline – 1 September 2022

RS added that we are investigating a digital presence that will allow us to share information. 

LMc added that to successfully operate the work of the boards had to be open and transparent.

Terms of reference 

LMc opened up the discussion to take views on the ToR adding that these had gone through rigorous development with SQA, ES, and the Trade Unions and had been well considered. 

Decision  - No additional comments were made and the ToR were agreed and accepted by the board. 

Project Initiation Document (PID) update/ timeline for legislation   

CG gave an overview of the timeline for the legislation highlighting the Project Objectives were focused on the legislation for the new Inspectorate and Qualifications body. At the moment we don’t need to legislate for the new Agency but that will be dependent on where the accreditation function will sit. A decision on this will be made by Ministers by August/September.

CG asked if there were any other groups we should consider in scope within the PID.

LP suggested we should also be adding the college sector.

LMc added that the Communications and Engagement Strategy will be presented at the next Programme Board and we will take this action away to make sure the college sector is represented. 

Action – CG to add college sector to the scope of the PID  
Owner – Chris Graham  
Deadline – 1 September 2022

Action – NC to ensure college sector is represented in the Communication and Engagement Strategy
Owner – Neil Cardwell
Deadline -  16 August 2022

FR asked if the vision and objectives of the Reform Programme are shared across the Delivery Boards. She noted that there was no reference to or language referencing the credibility of the new bodies, agencies in the PIDs. 

NC added that a joint communication approach was being taken across the whole programme and this included a shared vision of the whole of the reform not just the structural aspects. He added that it was a constantly evolving narrative as work progressed around the ELC consultation and the National Discussion. 

Decision  - No further comments were made and the Education Reform Programme Legislation PID was accepted by the board.

Programme risk approach  

CD shared the approach the programme will be taking on risk management, noting that a Risk Management Strategy (RMS) will be presented to the Programme Board on 16/08/22.
The RMS will be shared with the Delivery Boards following Board acceptance. 

Action – CD to share Risk Management Strategy with the Delivery Board following Programme Board acceptance.
Owner – Chris Dunne 
Deadline -  26 August 2022

Following RMS approval PMO will rework the Programme Risk Register and some risk will fall back to the respective delivery boards. 

Action – CD/ GW to set up workshop to assure any risks assigned to the Delivery Board  from the Programme Risk Register and identify any new risks emerging. 
Owner – Chris Dunne / Gill Winters 
Deadline -  1 September 2022

Any other business   

FR asked if there was opportunity to feedback on the BTL PID Commission papers.

Action - Any comments on the BTL PID Commission papers should be sent to LMc. 
Owner - All
Deadline - 16 August 2022

LM thanked the board members for their contributions and ended the meeting – next meeting will be Thursday 1 September 2022  at 2pm to 3pm. 

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