Education Reform Programme Board minutes - February 2024

Attendees and apologies


  • Clare Hicks (CH)
  • Lisa Bird (LB)
  • Adam Reid (AR)
  • Graeme Logan (GL)
  • Chris Dunne (CD)
  • Janie McManus (JM)
  • Gillian Hamilton (GH)
  • Fiona Robertson (FR)
  • Sheena Devlin (SD)
  • Laura Caven (LC)
  • Elizabeth Morrison (EM)
  • Sean Stronach (SS)
  • Neil Cardwell (NC)
  • Jaxon Parish (JP)


  • Jayne Scott (JS)
  • Shirley Laing (SL)


  • Gillian Winters (GW)
  • Pauline Hendry (PH)

Items and actions

Welcome and introductions

CH welcomed members to the first meeting of the Programme Board and noted apologies received.

Programme overview and scene setting

CH set the scene and context for the Programme Board, outlining the Cabinet Secretary’s request for a review of all commitments across both education and skills reform. The Cabinet Secretary has set out her overall vision for education, with a clear focus on ensuring excellence and equity. It was also noted that the Cabinet Secretary has signalled the need for greater involvement of the profession in the work and placed greater emphasis on co-design, drawing more closely on the views and experience of teachers and other practitioners.

Revised governance and delivery model

The revised governance model has been established and brings together reform across education and skills. Teachers and educators will be brought in to join this Board and other groups.

The Education and Skills Reform Portfolio Group is providing oversight of both Programme Boards. This is supplemented by the Education and Skills Reform Chief Executive Forum, which is supporting the sharing of expertise, providing challenge and informing planning across reform.

It was noted that the Portfolio Group does not include representatives from the bodies under reform, acknowledging this is an internal SG group.

A new Education and Skills Reform Ministerial Group is being set up which will bring in ministerial oversight to work and support wider access to advice and support.

The Programme Board for Education Reform and the Board for the Post School Reform Programme are both reporting into the Education and Skills Reform Portfolio Group. There are links established between the Boards and other groups, including shared membership. This coordinated approach will support the continued development of a shared critical pathway and close management of inter-dependant work. Both Programme Boards will review progress, provide advice and challenge, and help inform programme level decisions and advice for Ministerial decisions.

The Education Reform Programme Board is overseeing the establishment of a new national qualifications body, a new inspectorate, a new national education agency and a Centre for Teaching Excellence. Other elements of education reform will be drawn in by the Board as appropriate in due course, including reform of qualifications and assessment, and consideration of the curriculum.

The Board will be supported by the Project Steering and Assurance Group which oversees all projects within the Education Reform Programme.

Members commented on lines of communication with bodies under reform and the need to ensure organisational representation in relevant fora.

Action: AR noted the comments and will consider them in relation to the Post School and Skills Reform Board.

Following discussion on the membership of the Board, the Chair indicated that membership will be expanded to draw in further professional expertise as required.

Key commitments

The Education Bill will be introduced this parliamentary term and will establish the legal underpinning for the new qualifications body and the inspectorate. The consultation set out the specific Bill proposals and closed at the end of the calendar year.

Action: PMO to share the consultation analysis report with Programme Board members prior to publication.

The overall functions of the new national Agency are currently being considered by the Cabinet Secretary.

The Cabinet Secretary has set out her ambition for a Centre for Teaching Excellence. She has been clear that it must be co-produced with teachers, the professional associations and other partners. A co-production group has been established to support the development of the product specification, working closely with other projects.

Following the debate on The Independent Review of Qualifications and Assessment, the Government’s response is anticipated in the coming weeks.

Programme board - Terms of reference

The Terms of Reference were discussed.

Action: Members to provide feedback on the Terms of Reference via correspondence.

It was noted that separate discussions were underway to discuss how the programme will link with SOLACE.

It was noted that work requirements must be balanced with effective governance. The refreshed governance and delivery approach will allow assurance of work through the Project Steering and Assurance Group, with the Programme Board reviewing reports from that Group on programme delivery against the agreed strategic vision. The frequency of Board meetings was discussed, and will be kept under review.

The work of the projects focusing on the implementation of each new body is progressing and will continue to build on work to date, working closely with Education Scotland and Scottish Qualifications Authority. These projects will report on progress to the Project Steering and Assurance Board.

Action: CH confirmed she was happy to discuss arrangements for these projects with Chief Executives at any stage.   

Programme update

​​​​​​​CD gave an overview of the programme management approach and an initial review of the programme’s risk profile. It was noted that reporting on programme level risks will be more detailed for future Programme Board meetings.

​​​​​​​The feasibility of timescales for delivery was raised, in particular for the Centre for Teaching Excellence. Whilst it was acknowledged that timescales are challenging, having a robust programme management and reporting approach covering risk, timescales and planning will provide assurance and highlight potential areas for intervention.

​​​​​​​Budget and resource capacity were also raised. The constraints on the wider financial context were also acknowledged.

Action: PMO to share presentation information with Board Members who are welcome to submit any follow-up questions to PMO by correspondence.

Project Steering and Assurance Group update

​​​​​​​LB set out the role of the Project Steering and Assurance Group, which will report to the Programme Board on delivery.

​​​​​​​The focus of the Group is to ensure all project work aligns to overall programme goals, and that it is delivered on time and is of high quality. It will routinely consider analyses of highlight and exception reporting from each project, and from this provide an overall progress analysis to the Board.

​​​​​​​The Group has been established. At the last meeting it was agreed that meetings will be scheduled to take place in advance of each Programme Board to support timely reporting. The Terms of Reference have been agreed.

Action: PMO to share Project Steering and Assurance Group Terms of Reference with Board members for information.

​​​​​​​CD outlined the approach to delivery, the projects underway and current progress.

​​​​​​​Discussion centred around journey mapping, which will help to define what services should be delivered by new bodies through a user centred approach. It was noted that the journey mapping is part of ongoing thematic project work.

​​​​​​​Engagement with Education Scotland and Scottish Qualifications Authority includes regular fortnightly meetings at senior leadership level. These are ensuring a coordinated approach and include discussion of thematic projects and body implementation projects, and their respective delivery.

Any other business

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​It was agreed that documentation will be shared in advance of future Board meetings.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​CH thanked the Board for their contributions and closed the meeting. The next meeting will take place on 18 April 2024.

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