Education (Scotland) Bill: child rights and wellbeing impact assessment

Child rights and wellbeing impact assessment(CRWIA) for the Education (Reform) Bill.

6. Evidence from stakeholders/Policy Colleagues

Professor Muir's work was informed by comprehensive consultation with education system stakeholders. The open consultation held as part of Professor Muir's report received 851 consultation responses, consisting of: 690 responses to the main consultation document or set questions; 74 responses submitted by email which did not follow the consultation questions set; and notes from 87 meetings and webinars (NB evidence specifically from children and young people will be specifically explored in Question 3).

Moreover, through engagement sessions and events with schools, community groups and voluntary sector organisations, over 38,000 people participated in the National Discussion on Scottish Education. An online consultation also complemented this work receiving over 5,600 responses between September and December 2022.

Subsequent engagement by the Scottish Government took place with organisations in March 2023 on the legislative intent of the Bill which involved representatives of both children and young people. General feedback included the importance of governance for rebuilding trust in the system and trust between young people and a new qualifications body.

Following the decision by the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills in June 2023 to reschedule the Bill, the Scottish Government conducted a public consultation[9] to inform the development of the proposed Bill between 7 November and 18 December 2023. An Easy Read version[10] and Gaelic translations[11] were produced to ensure full accessibility. The purpose was to seek specific views on the detail of creating a new qualifications body and the approaches to enhance the role inspection plays in improving education, including potentially through legislation. The consultation provided further opportunity to engage on the detail of the proposals, building on the previous substantial engagement and consultation undertaken as part of the OECD report and Professor Muir's report.

In total, 386 consultation responses were received and analysed, consisting of 234 individuals and 152 responses submitted on behalf of organisations. A higher number of people contributed overall as several organisations had conducted wider consultation to develop their response. In addition, nine online consultation events were held which were attended by just under 1,000 people.

An independent analysis of the consultation responses was conducted and published alongside these impact assessments[12].



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