
Education workforce – health and wellbeing support: report findings and recommendations

Findings and recommendations of a five-month project into how the wellbeing of the education workforce is currently being supported . It also sets out recommendations for next steps to begin to develop a comprehensive, consistent offer of wellbeing.


1. Establish a National HWB Group to develop a strategic response to deliver on the recommendations from this report. Membership should include key Education Stakeholder Groups and other groups, as identified in this report.

2. The National HWB Group should consider if any investment may be required to ensure continued momentum, high levels of partnership engagement and building on insights gained.

3. The National HWB Group should consider the creation of a national HWB strategy for the education workforce that would include:

a) The production of guidance to support LAs in reviewing and improving their strategic approach to staff HWB, with a specific focus on evaluating the impact(s).

b) Creating a network of LA HWB Leads working together to deliver a cohesive approach to the LA recommendations (in 4) that:

i. capitalises on local knowledge and skills.

ii. shares practice and ideas

iii. has a streamlined, co-ordinated approach to communication that informs local and national developments.

c) Producing a national support package that guides LAs in implementing structures of supervision in education that:

i. meet the national CP guidance recommendation on supervision.

ii. promote sustainability and meet local circumstances.

iii. improve equity in approaches nationally.

4. LAs should consider the key findings of this report in developing actions that:

  • consider how all education workforce HWB data is used to develop approaches that:
  • i. respond to local need and make best use of resources.
  • ii. have identified measurable outcomes that support evaluation.
  • are informed by identifying the appropriate internal and external partners, as guided by this report.
  • provide HWB professional learning (PL) opportunities that are aligned with, and evaluated against existing PL frameworks to provide collaborative, enquiring approaches that enhance knowledge and respond to local issues.
  • consider the needs of the entire education workforce to ensure universal provision is inclusive and accessible to all staff, particularly where there are barriers to accessing support.
  • clearly define and meet the needs of staff who require targeted support.
  • are developed within a culture of two-way communication that allows all staff to:
  • i. feel engaged and valued regardless of role, ethnicity, working pattern etc.
  • ii. easily access the information they require to support their own HWB.



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